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There are 14 words containing K, N, 2O and Z

DOCKIZATIONdockization n. Conversion of an area of water into a dock, by excluding the tide with a dam.
DOCKIZATION n. the act of dockizing, also DOCKISATION.
KETOCONAZOLEketoconazole n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic broad-spectrum antifungal agent C26H28Cl2N4O4 used to treat chronic internal…
KETOCONAZOLESSorry, definition not available.
KOLKHOZNIKkolkhoznik n. (Soviet Union) One who works on a kolkhoz.
KOLKHOZNIK n. one who works on a kolkhoz.
KOLKHOZNIKIkolkhozniki n. Plural of kolkhoznik.
KOLKHOZNIK n. one who works on a kolkhoz.
KOLKHOZNIKSkolkhozniks n. Plural of kolkhoznik.
KOLKHOZNIK n. one who works on a kolkhoz.
YOKOZUNAyokozuna n. (Sumo) The highest rank of sumo wrestler, above ozeki; grand champion.
yokozuna n. (Sumo) A person holding the rank, either competing at the rank or retired after having achieved it.
YOKOZUNA n. (Japanese) a champion sumo wrestler.
YOKOZUNASyokozunas n. Plural of yokozuna.
YOKOZUNA n. (Japanese) a champion sumo wrestler.
ZOOPLANKTERzooplankter n. Any organism that is a zooplankton.
ZOOPLANKTER n. a single zooplankton.
ZOOPLANKTERSzooplankters n. Plural of zooplankter.
ZOOPLANKTER n. a single zooplankton.
ZOOPLANKTONzooplankton n. (Zoology) Free-floating small protozoa, crustaceans (such as krill), etc. and the eggs and larvae from larger animals.
ZOOPLANKTON n. tiny, free-floating organisms in aquatic systems.
ZOOPLANKTONICzooplanktonic adj. Of or pertaining to zooplankton.
ZOOPLANKTONIC adj. relating to zooplankton.
ZOOPLANKTONSzooplanktons n. Plural of zooplankton.
ZOOPLANKTON n. tiny, free-floating organisms in aquatic systems.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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