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There are 15 words containing K, 3L and Y

LILYLIKElilylike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a lily.
LILYLIKE adj. like a lily.
BELLYLIKEbellylike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a belly.
BELLYLIKE adj. shaped like a belly.
JELLYLIKEjellylike adj. Resembling or characteristic of jelly.
JELLYLIKE adj. like a jelly.
KILLINGLYkillingly adv. So as to kill; fatally.
killingly adv. (Figuratively) So as to incapacitate with laughter.
KILLING adv. causing death.
SKILFULLYskilfully adv. Britain standard spelling of skillfully.
SKILFUL adv. full of skill, also SKILFULL, SKILLFUL.
LUCKLESSLYlucklessly adv. In a luckless way.
LUCKLESS adv. unlucky.
SKELETALLYskeletally adv. Pertaining to the skeleton.
skeletally adv. In a skeletal manner; like a skeleton.
SKELETAL adv. like a skeleton.
SKILLFULLYskillfully adv. In a skillful manner; with skill.
SKILLFUL adv. having skill, also SKILFUL, SKILLY.
UNSKILFULLYunskilfully adv. Alternative spelling of unskillfully.
UNSKILFUL adv. not skilful, also UNSKILLFUL.
UNSKILLFULLYunskillfully adv. In an unskilled manner.
UNSKILLFUL adv. not skillful, also UNSKILFUL.
GLYCOALKALOIDglycoalkaloid n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of alkaloid glycosides, most of which are poisonous.
KATABOLICALLYKATABOLIC adv. relating to catabolism, destructive chemical processes in living creatures, also CATABOLIC.
GLYCOALKALOIDSglycoalkaloids n. Plural of glycoalkaloid.
LACKADAISICALLYlackadaisically adv. In a lackadaisical manner; without enthusiasm or interest; perfunctorily.
LACKADAISICAL adv. lacking life, spirit, or zest; languid.
TELEKINETICALLYtelekinetically adv. By means of telekinesis.
TELEKINETIC adv. relating to telekinesis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 358 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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