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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 18 nine-letter words containing K, 2O, T and W

FOOTWORKSfootworks n. Plural of footwork.
FOOTWORK n. the management of the feet, in sport.
FROSTWORKfrostwork n. Any naturally occurring intricate pattern of ice crystals.
frostwork n. Any pattern that resembles a frost formation.
FROSTWORK n. tracery made by frost, e.g. on windows.
KNOTWORKSknotworks n. Plural of knotwork.
KNOTWORK n. ornamental work done with knots; carving or decoration in interlaced forms.
KOFTWORKSKOFTWORK n. steel inlaid with gold, also KOFTGARI.
KOWTOWERSkowtowers n. Plural of kowtower.
KOWTOWER n. one who kowtows, also KOTOWER.
KOWTOWINGkowtowing v. Present participle of kowtow.
kowtowing n. The act of one who kowtows; a submissive bow.
KOWTOW v. to perform a kowtow, also KOTOW.
OUTWORKEDoutworked v. Simple past tense and past participle of outwork.
OUTWORK v. to work faster than.
OUTWORKERoutworker n. A subcontractor who carries out work at an off-site facility.
outworker n. (Dated) One who works outdoors.
outworker n. (Dated) One who takes away work to do at home.
STINKWOODstinkwood n. Any of several not closely related trees whose wood has an unpleasant smell, but especially Ocotea bullata…
stinkwood n. The wood of such a tree.
STINKWOOD n. a name given to several kinds of wood with an unpleasant smell.
STOCKWORKstockwork n. (Mining) A system of working in ore, etc., when it lies not in strata or veins, but in solid masses…
stockwork n. (Geology) A metalliferous deposit characterized by the impregnation of the mass of rock with many small…
STOCKWORK n. (German) a mass of veins, impregnations, etc. of ore that can be worked as one deposit.
STONEWORKstonework n. Constructions made of stone.
stonework n. (Uncountable) The skill of constructing with stone; stonecraft.
STONEWORK n. any work in stone.
TAEKWONDOtaekwondo n. A martial arts form from Korea, known for its elaborate kicking techniques. The sparring aspect is a…
tae␣kwon␣do n. Alternative spelling of taekwondo.
TAEKWONDO n. (Korean) a Korean martial art.
TEAKWOODSteakwoods n. Plural of teakwood.
TEAKWOOD n. the wood of the teak.
TOPWORKEDtopworked v. Simple past tense and past participle of topwork.
TOPWORK v. to graft scions of another variety of plant on the main branches of.
TOWNSFOLKtownsfolk n. The people who live in a town, especially the lower and middle classes.
TOWNSFOLK n. the people of a town, also TOWNFOLK.
TWOSTROKEtwo-stroke adj. (Mechanical) Of or relating to a design of internal combustion engine, the working cycle of which is…
two-stroke n. A two-stroke engine.
two-stroke n. A vehicle or machine powered by a two-stroke engine.
WORKBOATSworkboats n. Plural of workboat.
WORKBOAT n. a commercial boat.
WORKBOOTSworkboots n. Plural of workboot.
WORKBOOT n. a sturdy leather boot for workers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 86 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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