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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 11 nine-letter words containing K, M, N, R and T

ARTMAKINGartmaking n. The production of art.
ARTMAKING n. the process of making art.
KONIMETERkonimeter n. An instrument for measuring the concentration of dust.
KONIMETER n. an instrument for measuring the amount of dust in the air, also KONISCOPE.
MARKETINGmarketing v. Present participle of market.
marketing n. Buying and/or selling in a market (street market or market fair).
marketing n. (Uncountable) The promotion, distribution and selling of a product or service; the work of a marketer;…
MINISKIRTminiskirt n. A short skirt with its hemline well above the knees, generally at mid-thigh level.
mini-skirt n. Alternative form of miniskirt.
MINISKIRT n. a skirt whose hemline is well above the knees.
MINITRACKMINITRACK n. (tradename) a satellite tracking system.
MOCKERNUTmockernut n. Carya tomentosa, a common North American hickory bearing large nuts with only a small edible part.
MOCKERNUT n. a kind of hickory nut.
NEWMARKETNewmarket prop.n. A market town in Suffolk, England, with a famous racecourse.
Newmarket prop.n. A town in County Cork, Ireland.
Newmarket prop.n. A townland in County Kilkenny, Ireland.
NONMARKETnonmarket adj. Not market-based; often specifically lacking the openness of a free market.
nonmarket n. That which is not a market.
NONMARKET adj. not part of the market.
TENTMAKERtentmaker n. A manufacturer of tents.
tent-maker n. Someone who makes tents.
TENTMAKER n. one who makes tents.
TINKERMANTINKERMAN n. a football manager or coach who continually experiments by changing the personnel or formation of a team from game to game.
TINKERMENTINKERMAN n. a football manager or coach who continually experiments by changing the personnel or formation of a team from game to game.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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