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There are 16 nine-letter words containing 2K, O, S and T

KANTIKOYSkantikoys n. Plural of kantikoy.
KANTIKOY v. (Native American) to dance as an act of worship, also CANTICO, CANTICOY.
KEYSTROKEkeystroke n. The act of pressing an input key; a keypress on a computer keyboard or a typewriter, or a similar input device.
keystroke v. To enter (Data etc.) by pressing keys on a keyboard.
KEYSTROKE n. a single operation of a key on a typewriter or other machine using keys.
KLEFTIKOSKLEFTIKO n. (Modern Greek) a Greek dish of slowly cooked lamb.
KNOBSTICKknobstick n. A stick with a rounded knob at the end.
knobstick n. (Slang) One who refuses to join, or withdraws from, a trade union.
KNOBSTICK n. a stick with a round knob at the end, used as a club or missile by South African tribesmen.
KNOCKOUTSknockouts n. Plural of knockout.
knock-outs n. Plural of knock-out.
KNOCKOUT n. a blow that induces unconsciousness.
KNOTWORKSknotworks n. Plural of knotwork.
KNOTWORK n. ornamental work done with knots; carving or decoration in interlaced forms.
KOFTWORKSKOFTWORK n. steel inlaid with gold, also KOFTGARI.
SKYROCKETskyrocket n. A type of firework that uses a solid rocket engine to rise quickly into the sky where it emits a variety…
skyrocket n. (By extension) A rebuke, a scolding.
skyrocket n. (UK, Australia, rhyming slang) pocket.
STICKWORKstickwork n. (Sports) Use of the stick in lacrosse, hockey, etc.
STICKWORK n. skill in using one's stick in any game played with one.
STOCKLOCKstocklock n. Alternative form of stock lock.
stock␣lock n. A lock enclosed in a wooden case and attached to the face of a door.
STOCKLOCK n. a lock with a wooden case.
STOCKTAKEstocktake n. The process of making an inventory of stock in a store or other location.
stocktake n. (Britain) The act or process of taking stock of something, or the result of that assessment.
stock-take n. Alternative spelling of stocktake.
STOCKTOOKSTOCKTAKE v. to perform the counting stock.
STOCKWORKstockwork n. (Mining) A system of working in ore, etc., when it lies not in strata or veins, but in solid masses…
stockwork n. (Geology) A metalliferous deposit characterized by the impregnation of the mass of rock with many small…
STOCKWORK n. (German) a mass of veins, impregnations, etc. of ore that can be worked as one deposit.
TASKWORKStaskworks n. Plural of taskwork.
TASKWORK n. hard work.
TICKTOCKSticktocks n. Plural of ticktock.
tick-tocks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of tick-tock.
tick-tocks n. Plural of tick-tock.
TOKOTOKOSTOKOTOKO n. (Maori) a ceremonial carved walking stick.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 67 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 49 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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