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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 20 eight-letter words containing K, L, 2O and W

GOLDWORKgoldwork n. Work done using gold metal, as in embroidery or jewellery.
GOLDWORK n. gold articles collectively.
LAWBOOKSlawbooks n. Plural of lawbook.
LAWBOOK n. a book containing laws and the practise of it.
LOCKDOWNlockdown n. The confinement of people in their own rooms (e.g., in a school) or cells (in a prison), or to their…
lockdown n. (US) A contrivance to fasten logs together in rafting.
lock-down n. Alternative form of lockdown.
LOOKDOWNlookdown n. An oddly-shaped Atlantic marine fish, Selene vomer.
look␣down v. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see look, down.
look␣down v. (Intransitive) To lower one’s eyes; to direct one’s look downwards.
MILKWOODmilkwood n. Any of a number of trees with milky sap…
MILKWOOD n. any of various trees associated with latex.
MOONWALKmoonwalk n. An exploration of the Moon’s surface on foot (by an astronaut).
moonwalk n. (Dance) A dance move in which the dancer slides backwards though the feet move as if walking forwards; the backslide.
moonwalk n. (Dance) A dance style in which the dancer appears to be moving in a low gravity environment.
ROCKWOOLrockwool n. Inorganic material resembling fiber, used primarily for insulation and soundproofing.
rockwool n. A horticultural growing medium made from natural ingredients, usually including basalt rock and chalk.
rock␣wool n. Alternative form of rockwool.
ROWLOCKSrowlocks n. Plural of rowlock.
ROWLOCK n. a device for holding an oar in place.
SLOPWORKslopwork n. The manufacture of slops, or cheap ready-made clothing.
slopwork n. Clothing of this kind.
slopwork n. (Figuratively) Hasty, slovenly work of any kind.
SLOWPOKEslowpoke n. (US, Canada, informal, mildly derogatory) A person who moves slowly or takes a long time to do something.
slow␣poke n. Alternative spelling of slowpoke.
SLOWPOKE n. a slow individual.
TOWNFOLKtownfolk n. Synonym of townsfolk.
TOWNFOLK n. the people of a town, also TOWNSFOLK.
WOODLARKwoodlark n. A lark, Lullula arborea, the only member of the genus Lullula, found in western Eurasia and northern Africa.
WOODLARK n. a kind of lark, smaller than the skylark and having a shorter tail.
WOOLLIKEwoollike adj. Resembling wool or some aspect of it.
WOOLLIKE adj. like wool.
WOOLPACKwoolpack n. A bag of wool, traditionally weighing 240 pounds.
woolpack n. A cirrocumulus cloud.
woolpack n. (Heraldry) A charge resembling a pillow or cushion.
WOOLSACKwoolsack n. A bag or bale of wool.
woolsack n. A seat made of wool; (specifically) the traditional seat of the British Lord Chancellor (since 2006…
woolsack n. Synonym of corestone.
WOOLSKINwoolskin n. A sheepskin with the wool still attached.
WOOLSKIN n. a sheepskin with the wool still on it.
WOOLWORKwoolwork n. Needlework made from wool, imitating tapestry.
WOOLWORK n. needlework.
WORKFLOWworkflow n. The rate at which a flow of work takes place.
workflow n. (Business) A process or procedure by which tasks are completed. It may be defined by a flowchart with…
WORKFLOW n. the amount of work to and from an office or employee.
WORKFOLKworkfolk n. People who perform manual labour.
WORKFOLK n. working people.
WORKLOADworkload n. The amount of work assigned to a particular worker, normally in a specified time period.
workload n. The amount of work that a machine can handle or produce.
WORKLOAD n. the amount of work assigned to an individual.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 69 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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