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There are 18 eight-letter words containing K, L, N and 2O

BOBOLINKbobolink n. An American migratory songbird, Dolichonyx oryzivorus, resembling a blackbird with the bill of a finch.
BOBOLINK n. a North American songbird of the warbler family.
BOOKLANDbookland n. (Anglo-Saxon) In Anglo-Saxon society, land held by charter or written title, free from all fief, fee…
Bookland prop.n. (Informal) The notional "country" associated with a numeric country prefix allocated in the 1980s for…
BOOKLAND n. (Old English) in Old English law, land taken from the folkland or common land and granted by written charter to a private owner.
FOLKSONGfolksong n. Alternative spelling of folk song.
folk␣song n. (Music) A song, in any folk style, originating among ordinary people, usually non-professional musicians…
folk␣song n. (Music, uncountable) folk music.
KABLOONAkabloona n. (Canada, US) A non-Inuit person in Canada or Greenland, especially a European or someone of European descent.
KABLOONA n. (Inuit) a person who is not Inuit.
KILOPONDkilopond n. A gravitational metric unit of force equal to the magnitude of the force exerted by a mass off one kilogram…
KILOPOND n. a unit of measurement equal to the gravitational force on a mass of one kilogram.
KILOTONSkilotons n. Plural of kiloton.
KILOTON n. a measure of explosive force equivalent to that of 1000 tons of TNT, also KILOTONNE.
KNOTHOLEknothole n. In a piece of lumber, a void left by a knot in the wood; such holes are often convenient for peering…
knothole n. (Cincinnati, sports, attributive) Youth league baseball.
KNOTHOLE n. a hole in a plank.
LOCKDOWNlockdown n. The confinement of people in their own rooms (e.g., in a school) or cells (in a prison), or to their…
lockdown n. (US) A contrivance to fasten logs together in rafting.
lock-down n. Alternative form of lockdown.
LOOKDOWNlookdown n. An oddly-shaped Atlantic marine fish, Selene vomer.
look␣down v. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see look, down.
look␣down v. (Intransitive) To lower one’s eyes; to direct one’s look downwards.
MOONLIKEmoonlike adj. Resembling the Moon, or a moon.
MOONLIKE adj. like a moon.
MOONWALKmoonwalk n. An exploration of the Moon’s surface on foot (by an astronaut).
moonwalk n. (Dance) A dance move in which the dancer slides backwards though the feet move as if walking forwards; the backslide.
moonwalk n. (Dance) A dance style in which the dancer appears to be moving in a low gravity environment.
NOOKLIKEnooklike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a nook.
NOOKLIKE adj. like a nook.
OERLIKONOerlikon prop.n. A district of Zurich, Switzerland.
Oerlikon prop.n. A manufacturer of anti-aircraft weaponry based in this city.
Oerlikon n. A 20-millimeter anti-aircraft autocannon designed by the Oerlikon company.
ONLOOKERonlooker n. A spectator; someone looks on or watches, without becoming involved or participating.
on-looker n. Alternative spelling of onlooker.
ONLOOKER n. a spectator.
OOLAKANSoolakans n. Plural of oolakan.
TOWNFOLKtownfolk n. Synonym of townsfolk.
TOWNFOLK n. the people of a town, also TOWNSFOLK.
UNLOOKEDunlooked adj. (Archaic) Unlooked for; unanticipated; unexpected.
UNLOOKED adj. not looked.
WOOLSKINwoolskin n. A sheepskin with the wool still attached.
WOOLSKIN n. a sheepskin with the wool still on it.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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