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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing K, L, O, R and U

ANKYLOSAURUSankylosaurus n. A large herbivorous dinosaur, of genus Ankylosaurus, that lived in the Cretaceous period, noted for…
Ankylosaurus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Ankylosauridae – ankylosaurus, an armored dinosaur from the Cretaceous…
ANKYLOSAURUS n. a kind of dinosaur with a club tail, also ANKYLOSAUR.
BLOCKBUSTERSblockbusters n. Plural of blockbuster.
BLOCKBUSTER n. a bomb large enough to destroy a city block.
BLOODSUCKERSbloodsuckers n. Plural of bloodsucker.
blood-suckers n. Plural of blood-sucker (alternative spelling of bloodsuckers).
BLOODSUCKER n. an animal that sucks blood.
COMPUTERLIKEcomputerlike adj. Having some similarity to a computer.
COMPUTERLIKE adj. like a computer.
COURTIERLIKEcourtierlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a courtier.
COURTIERLIKE adj. like a courtier.
CUCKOOFLOWERcuckooflower n. Either of two flowering plants.
CUCKOOFLOWER n. a plant commonly found in damp pastures in Europe and America.
CUPRONICKELScupronickels n. Plural of cupronickel.
CUPRONICKEL n. an alloy of copper and nickel.
DRUNKALOGUESdrunkalogues n. Plural of drunkalogue.
DRUNKALOGUE n. an account of a person's problems with alcohol.
LACQUERWORKSlacquerworks n. Plural of lacquerwork.
LACQUERWORK n. craftwork in lacquer.
LEUKOTRIENESleukotrienes n. Plural of leukotriene.
LEUKOTRIENE n. any of a group of eicosanoids that participate in allergic responses, such as bronchial constriction.
LOUDSPEAKERSloudspeakers n. Plural of loudspeaker, especially a pair for a left and right channel.
LOUDSPEAKER n. a device that changes electrical signals into sounds loud enough to be heard at a distance.
NOMENKLATURAnomenklatura n. (Now historical) A list of bureaucratic posts in government and industry in the former Soviet Union…
nomenklatura n. The people on such lists; (by extension), any privileged class, a social or political elite.
NOMENKLATURA n. (Russian) officeholders and managers in a communist regime.
OUTSPARKLINGoutsparkling v. Present participle of outsparkle.
OUTSPARKLE v. to exceed in sparkling.
TROUBLEMAKERtroublemaker n. One who causes trouble, especially one who does so deliberately.
troublemaker n. A complainer.
trouble-maker n. Alternative spelling of troublemaker.
UNDERLOOKERSunderlookers n. Plural of underlooker.
UNDERLOOKER n. a mine manager's assistant, also UNDERVIEWER.
UNPROVOKEDLYunprovokedly adv. Without provocation.
UNPROVOKED adv. UNPROVOKE, (Shakespeare) to counteract the provocation of.
UNRECKONABLEunreckonable adj. That cannot be reckoned; uncountable, innumerable.
UNRECKONABLE adj. that cannot be reckoned.
UNSAILORLIKEunsailorlike adj. Not sailorlike.
UNSAILORLIKE adj. not like or befitting a sailor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 252 words
  • Scrabble in French: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 21 words

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