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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing K, 2O, S and Y

BODYWORKERSbodyworkers n. Plural of bodyworker.
BODYWORKER n. a therapist using bodywork techniques.
COCKNEYDOMSCOCKNEYDOM n. the region or home of cockneys; cockneys, collectively.
COMSTOCKERYcomstockery n. (US) Censorship of literature and performances because of especially broad definitions of obscenity or immorality.
COMSTOCKERY n. overzealous censorship of material considered obscene, also COMSTOCKISM.
DONKEYWORKSDONKEYWORK n. monotonous and routine work.
DONNYBROOKSdonnybrooks n. Plural of donnybrook.
DONNYBROOK n. (Irish) a brawl or heated public dispute.
HOKEYPOKEYShokeypokeys n. Plural of hokeypokey.
hokey-pokeys n. Plural of hokey-pokey.
hokey␣pokeys n. Plural of hokey pokey.
KARYOLOGIESkaryologies n. Plural of karyology.
KARYOLOGY n. the study of cell nuclei.
KARYOLOGISTKARYOLOGIST n. a practitioner of karyology, the study of cell nuclei.
KINESIOLOGYkinesiology n. (Medicine) The study of body movement.
kinesiology n. (Medicine) The application of such principles to the diagnosis and treatment of muscular imbalance.
KINESIOLOGY n. the study of human movement and posture, including aspects of anatomy.
LOOYENWORKSLOOYENWORK n. therapy of the body tissues aimed at releasing muscle fibre adhesions and easing physical and emotional tensions.
MONKEYPOXESMONKEYPOX n. a rare virus disease especially of central and western Africa that is caused by a poxvirus.
OUTSPOKENLYoutspokenly adv. In an outspoken manner.
OUTSPOKEN adv. frank, speaking one's mind.
PASTRYCOOKSpastrycooks n. Plural of pastrycook.
pastry␣cooks n. Plural of pastry cook.
PASTRYCOOK n. a maker or seller of pastry.
PROKARYOTESprokaryotes n. Plural of prokaryote.
PROKARYOTE n. a bacterium or blue-green algae whose nucleus lacks a limiting membrane, also PROCARYOTE, PROKARYOT.
TEKNONYMOUSteknonymous adj. Relating to teknonymy.
TEKNONYMOUS adj. relating to teknonymy, the naming of the parent after the child.
THELYTOKOUSthelytokous adj. That produces female offspring (only).
THELYTOKOUS adj. producing only female offspring.
WOOLLYBACKSwoollybacks n. Plural of woollyback.
woolly␣backs n. Plural of woolly back.
WOOLLYBACK n. (colloquial) a country bumpkin.
YOKEFELLOWSyokefellows n. Plural of yokefellow.
YOKEFELLOW n. a mate; a fellow; esp. a partner in marriage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 139 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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