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There are 17 ten-letter words containing K, L, N, R and Y

ANKYLOSAURankylosaur n. Synonym of ankylosaurus.
ANKYLOSAUR n. a kind of dinosaur with a club tail, also ANKYLOSAURUS.
CANKEREDLYcankeredly adv. In a cankered manner.
CANKERED adv. CANKER, to affect with ulcerous sores.
CREAKINGLYcreakingly adv. With a creaking sound.
CREAKING adv. CREAK, to make a squeaking sound.
FORSAKENLYforsakenly adv. In a deserted manner; by itself; alone.
forsakenly adv. (Rare) helplessly.
FORSAKEN adv. FORSAKE, to quit or leave entirely.
FRISKINGLYfriskingly adv. With frisking movements; while leaping.
FRISKING adv. gambolling.
HYPERLINKShyperlinks n. Plural of hyperlink.
hyperlinks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hyperlink.
HYPERLINK v. to connect by hyperlink.
KLONDYKERSklondykers n. Plural of klondyker.
KLONDYKER n. a factory-ship, also KLONDIKER.
LOOYENWORKLooyenwork n. A form of therapeutic massage intended to relieve muscular tension.
LOOYENWORK n. therapy of the body tissues aimed at releasing muscle fibre adhesions and easing physical and emotional tensions.
PRANKINGLYprankingly adv. (Archaic) With showy display or adornment.
PRANKISHLYprankishly adv. In a prankish way.
PRANKISH adv. mischievous.
REBUKINGLYrebukingly adv. In a rebuking manner.
REBUKING adv. REBUKE, to reprove sternly.
SKYLARKINGskylarking v. Present participle of skylark.
skylarking n. (Originally nautical) Playing around; frolicking; originally, running about the rigging of a vessel…
SKYLARKING n. frolicking, horseplay.
SMIRKINGLYsmirkingly adv. In a smirking manner.
SMIRKING adv. SMIRK, to smile in a smug manner, also SMERK.
STRICKENLYstrickenly adv. In a stricken manner.
STRICKEN adv. strongly affected or afflicted.
STRIKINGLYstrikingly adv. (Manner) In a striking way.
strikingly adv. (Degree) To a remarkable degree or extent.
strikingly adv. (Evaluative) Remarkably, surprisingly.
UNBROKENLYunbrokenly adv. In an unbroken way; continuously.
UNBROKEN adv. not broken, also UNBROKE.
UNWORKABLYunworkably adv. In an unworkable fashion; not workably.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 74 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 3 words

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