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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing K, 2O and Y

COOKERYcookery n. The art and practice of preparing food for consumption, especially by the application of heat; cooking.
cookery n. (Obsolete) A delicacy; a dainty.
cookery n. (Archaic) Cooking tools or apparatus.
COOKEYScookeys n. Plural of cookey.
COOKEY n. a small flat cake, also COOKIE, COOKY.
DAYBOOKdaybook n. A daily chronicle; a diary.
daybook n. (Bookkeeping) An accounting journal.
daybook n. (Nautical) A logbook.
EYEHOOKeyehook n. Alternative form of eye hook.
eye␣hook n. A hook with an eye or ring attached.
EYEHOOK n. a hook or ring on the end of a rope or chain.
FLYBOOKflybook n. (Fishing) A small case for holding fishing flies.
FLYBOOK n. a case like a book used to hold fishing flies.
HOOKEYSHOOKEY n. truanting, as in to play hookey, to play truant.
JOOKERYJOOKERY n. (Scots) trickery, roguery, also JOUKERY.
KOLHOZYkolhozy n. Plural of kolhoz.
KOLHOZ n. (Russian) a collective farm in Russia, also KOLKHOS, KOLKHOZ, KOLKOZ.
KOLKOZYkolkozy n. Plural of kolkoz.
KOLKOZ n. (Russian) a collective farm in Russia, also KOLHOZ, KOLKHOS, KOLKHOZ.
KOOKILYkookily adv. In a kooky way.
KOOKY adv. eccentric.
KOPIYOKkopiyok n. Plural of kopiyka.
KOPIYKA n. a monetary unit of Ukraine, worth a hundredth part of a hryvna.
OLYCOOKolycook n. Alternative form of olykoek.
OLYCOOK n. (Dutch) a type of doughnut, also OLICOOK, OLYKOEK.
OLYKOEKolykoek n. (US, Hudson Valley New York dialect) A doughnut.
OLYKOEK n. (Dutch) a type of doughnut, also OLICOOK, OLICOOK.
ROOKERYrookery n. A colony of breeding birds or other animals.
rookery n. (By extension) A crowded tenement.
rookery n. (Britain, historical, by extension) A place where criminals congregate, often an area of a town or city.
SKYHOOKskyhook n. A hook imagined to be suspended in midair.
skyhook n. An overhead winch.
skyhook n. A helicopter that lifts and transports heavy objects suspended by a heavy cable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 68 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 3 words
  • Scrabble in German: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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