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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 20 seven-letter words containing K, L, O and W

BOWLIKEbowlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a bow (bent frame for firing arrows).
BOWLIKE adj. curved.
COWLICKcowlick n. An unruly lock or section of hair that sticks straight out from the skull or lies at an angle at odds…
cow-lick n. Alternative form of cowlick.
COWLICK n. a lock of unruly hair.
COWLIKEcowlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a cow.
COWLIKE adj. resembling a cow.
FOLKWAYfolkway n. Often plural: a belief or custom common to members of a culture or society.
folk-way n. Alternative form of folkway.
folk␣way n. Alternative form of folkway.
KILLCOWkillcow n. (Obsolete) A butcher.
killcow n. (Obsolete, figuratively) A violent person; a bully; a brutal or indiscriminate killer.
kill-cow n. (Obsolete) Alternative form of killcow.
KOTWALSkotwals n. Plural of kotwal.
KOTWAL n. (Hindi) the chief constable of an Indian town, also COTWAL.
LAPWORKlapwork n. Work in which one part overlaps another.
LAPWORK n. work in which one part laps over another.
LAWBOOKlawbook n. A book in which laws are codified.
lawbook n. A textbook on some aspect of law.
LAWBOOK n. a book containing laws and the practise of it.
LEGWORKlegwork n. Work, especially research or preparation, that involves significant walking, travel, or similar effort.
legwork n. Skillful or vigorous use of the legs, as in dance or sports.
leg-work n. Alternative spelling of legwork.
LOCKJAWlockjaw n. (Pathology) A spasmodic, nervous system disease brought on by the tetanus bacteria. It causes muscles…
LOCKJAW n. a form of tetanus.
OUTWALKoutwalk v. To walk further than another.
OUTWALK v. to surpass in walking.
OWLLIKEowllike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a owl.
OWLLIKE adj. like an owl.
ROWLOCKrowlock n. (Nautical, chiefly Britain) A usually U-shaped pivot attached to the gunwale (outrigger in a sport boat)…
ROWLOCK n. a device for holding an oar in place.
SKYGLOWskyglow n. The illumination of the sky above populated areas, mostly by street lighting.
SKYGLOW n. a glow in the night sky resulting from urban lights.
WALKOUTwalkout n. A sudden stoppage of work.
walkout n. A similar mass action of people leaving a place as a form of protest.
walkout n. (Weightlifting) A part of the squat exercise wherein one has to step out from the rack (“walk out” the…
WARLOCKwarlock n. A male magic-user; a male witch.
WARLOCK n. a sorcerer.
WEDLOCKwedlock n. The state of being married.
wedlock n. (Obsolete) A wife; a married woman.
WEDLOCK n. the married state.
WOLFKINwolfkin n. A young or small wolf.
wolfkin n. (Fantasy) Any of various nonhuman and non-wolf fantasy creatures that have features of a wolf.
WOLFKIN n. a young wolf.
WONKILYwonkily adv. In a wonky manner.
WONKY adv. not working properly.
WORKFULworkful adj. (Rare) Full of activity or work; laborious; industrious.
WORKFUL adj. industrious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 107 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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