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There are 16 seven-letter words containing K, L, M and N

KEELMANkeelman n. (Historical) A keeler; one who manages a coal boat.
KEELMAN n. one employed in managing a Newcastle keel, also KEELER.
KEELMENkeelmen n. Plural of keelman.
KEELMAN n. one employed in managing a Newcastle keel, also KEELER.
KREMLINkremlin n. (Architecture, Russian architecture) A fortified, central complex found in various Russian cities.
Kremlin prop.n. The Moscow Kremlin; a fortified complex in Moscow, Russia that serves as the official residence of the…
Kremlin prop.n. (Metonymically) The Russian or Soviet government.
LAMBKINlambkin n. A young lamb, a very young sheep.
lambkin n. A term of endearment.
LAMBKIN n. a small lamb, also LAMBIE.
LIMPKINlimpkin n. A large bird, Aramus guarauna, found in marshes in the Caribbean, Central America and southern Florida.
LIMPKIN n. an American wading bird, like a rail.
LINKMANlinkman n. (Historical) An adult linkboy; one bearing a torch or light.
linkman n. (Rugby) A player who uses speed and dexterity to keep an attacking team’s downfield progress fluid.
linkman n. A man who acts as a link or connection.
LINKMENlinkmen n. Plural of linkman.
LINKMAN n. a male hired to light the way along dark streets, also LINKBOY.
LOCKMANlockman n. (Scotland, archaic) A public executioner.
lockman n. (Isle of Man) An officer who acts as a kind of undersheriff to the governor.
Lockman prop.n. A surname.
LOCKMENlockmen n. Plural of lockman.
LOCKMAN n. a lockkeeper; a public executioner.
LUMPKINlumpkin n. A clumsy, heavy, stupid, silly or blundering person.
Lumpkin prop.n. A surname.
Lumpkin prop.n. An unincorporated community in Butte County, California, United States.
MALKINSmalkins n. Plural of malkin.
Malkins prop.n. Plural of Malkin.
MALKIN n. (dialect) a cat, also GRIMALKIN, MAWKIN.
MANLIKEmanlike adj. Of or characteristic of grown men, as opposed to women or children; macho, mannish, virile.
manlike adj. Of or relating to a human being; anthropoid, anthropomorphous.
MANLIKE adj. like a man.
MENFOLKmenfolk n. Male people in general.
menfolk n. The male members of a group.
MENFOLK n. the men of a family or community, also MENFOLKS.
MILKINGmilking v. Present participle of milk.
milking n. The act by which any animal is milked.
milking n. (Informal) Male masturbation (or fellatio) that leads to the release of semen, especially when performed…
MILKMANmilkman n. A man who delivers milk to households and sometimes businesses early in the morning.
MILKMAN n. a man who sells or delivers milk, also MILKO.
MILKMENmilkmen n. Plural of milkman.
MILKMAN n. a man who sells or delivers milk, also MILKO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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