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There are 19 seven-letter words containing K, 2L and U

BULKILYbulkily adv. In a bulky manner.
BULKY adv. having bulk.
BULLOCKbullock n. (Archaic) A young bull.
bullock n. A castrated bull; an ox.
bullock v. To bully.
FLUKILYflukily adv. In a fluky way; with unexpected luck.
FLUKY adv. lucky, by accidental success, also FLUKEY.
KELLAUTkellaut n. Alternative form of khalat.
KELLAUT n. (Hindi) an Indian robe of honour, also KILLUT, KHALAT, KHILAT.
KILLUTSkilluts n. Plural of killut.
KILLUT n. (Hindi) an Indian robe of honour, also KELLAUT, KHALAT, KHILAT.
KRULLERkruller n. Alternative form of cruller.
KRULLER n. (Dutch) in North America, a type of sweet cake fried in fat, also CRULLER.
LOCKFULlockful n. Enough water to fill a canal lock.
LOCKFUL n. enough to fill a canal lock.
LUCKILYluckily adv. In a lucky manner; by good fortune; fortunately.
LUCKY adv. fortunate.
MOLLUSKmollusk n. (American spelling) Alternative form of mollusc.
MOLLUSK n. (Latin) an animal belonging to the large phylum of invertebrates, also MOLLUSC.
MULLOCKmullock n. (Now UK dialect) Rubbish, waste matter.
mullock n. (Australia, New Zealand, mining) Mining waste or ore processing waste…
mullock n. Nonsense, rubbish.
OUTKILLoutkill v. (Transitive, stative) To kill more than.
OUTKILL v. to surpass in killing.
RULLOCKrullock n. Alternative form of rowlock.
RULLOCK n. a contrivance serving as a fulcrum for an oar, also ROLLOCK, ROWLOCK.
SKELLUMskellum n. (South Africa) A rogue.
skellum n. (Obsolete, UK) A scoundrel.
SKELLUM n. (Scots) a scoundrel, rascal, also SCHELLUM, SCHELM, SKELM, SKELUM.
SKILFULskilful adj. Non-US (including but not limited to Australian, British, Canadian, Irish, Jamaican, South African and…
SKILFUL adj. full of skill, also SKILFULL, SKILLFUL.
SKULLEDskulled v. Simple past tense and past participle of skull.
skulled adj. (Often in combination) Having a skull.
SKULL v. to propel with a type of oar, also SCULL.
SULKILYsulkily adv. In a sulky manner.
SULKY adv. in a resentful mood.
UKELELEukelele n. (Music) Alternative form of ukulele.
UKELELE n. (Hawaiian) a small guitar-like instrument, also UKE, UKULELE.
UKULELEukulele n. A small four-stringed guitar.
ʻukulele n. Alternative form of ukulele.
UKULELE n. (Hawaiian) a small guitar-like instrument, also UKELELE, UKE.
UPSKILLupskill v. (Transitive) To teach (someone) additional skills, especially as an alternative to redundancy (firing).
upskill v. (Intransitive) To acquire such additional skills.
UPSKILL v. to improve a person's skills.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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