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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 20 six-letter words containing K, N, S and Y

DYKONSdykons n. Plural of dykon.
DYKON n. (offensive) a celebrity, often a woman, who is much admired by lesbians.
JANSKYjansky n. A non-SI unit (symbol Jy) measuring electromagnetic flux density equal to 10-26 watts per square meter…
Jansky prop.n. A surname.
JANSKY n. the unit of strength of radio wave emission.
KYANGSkyangs n. Plural of kyang.
KYANG n. a Tibetan wild ass, also KIANG.
KYLINSkylins n. Plural of kylin.
KYLIN n. (Chinese) a fabulous animal figured in the decoration of Chinese pottery.
KYNDESkyndes n. Plural of kynde.
KYNDE v. (Spenser) to beget, also KYND.
SHONKYshonky adj. (Australia, New Zealand, UK, informal) Of poor or dubious quality, shoddy, unreliable; deviously dishonest…
shonky n. (Australia) A dishonest person.
SHONKY adj. (Australian slang) unreliable, dishonest.
SKANKYskanky adj. (Slang) in the manner of a skank (disreputable woman).
skanky adj. (Slang) vile, lewd.
SKANKY adj. filthy or sleazy.
SKINNYskinny adj. (Informal) thin, generally in a negative sense (as opposed to slim, which is thin in a positive sense).
skinny adj. (Informal, of food or beverages) Having reduced fat or calories.
skinny adj. Naked; nude (chiefly used in the phrase skinny dipping).
SKUNKYskunky adj. Having an unpleasant odor.
skunky adj. Having a smell of skunk (a type of marijuana).
skunky adj. (Of beer) Spoiled, bad.
SKYINGskying v. Present participle of sky.
SKY v. to hit or throw towards the upper atmosphere.
SKYMANskyman n. (Dated, slang) A male aviator.
SKYMAN n. a paratrooper.
SKYMENskymen n. Plural of skyman.
SKYMAN n. a paratrooper.
SLINKYslinky adj. Furtive, stealthy or catlike.
slinky adj. (Northumbria, dated) Thin; lank; lean.
slinky adj. Of a garment: close-fitting; clingy.
SNACKYsnacky adj. (Informal) Resembling or characteristic of a snack; suitable as a snack.
SNACKY adj. suitable as a light meal.
SNAKEYsnakey adj. Alternative spelling of snaky.
SNAKEY adj. like a snake, also SNAKY.
SNARKYsnarky adj. (Informal, often humorous) Snide and sarcastic; usually out of irritation.
snarky adj. (Obsolete) Irritable, irritated.
SNARKY adj. crotchety.
SNEAKYsneaky adj. Difficult to catch due to constantly outwitting the adversaries.
sneaky adj. Dishonest; deceitful.
sneaky n. (Espionage, slang) Any device used for covert surveillance.
SPUNKYspunky adj. Spirited or plucky.
spunky adj. (UK) Pertaining to or like spunk (semen).
spunky adj. (UK) Stained with semen.
STINKYstinky adj. Having a strong, unpleasant smell; stinking.
stinky adj. (Informal) Bad, undesirable.
stinky n. (Childish) a bowel movement; feces or diarrhoea.
SWANKYswanky adj. (Informal) Rather posh, elegant, ritzy.
swanky n. Alternative form of swankie.
SWANKY adj. ostentatiously smart.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 68 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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