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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing K, 2M and N

BACKGAMMONSbackgammons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of backgammon.
backgammons n. Plural of backgammon.
BACKGAMMON v. to defeat at the game of backgammon.
EMBANKMENTSembankments n. Plural of embankment.
EMBANKMENT n. a raised structure (as of earth or gravel) used esp. to hold back water or to carry a roadway.
EMBARKMENTSembarkments n. Plural of embarkment.
EMBARKMENT n. embarkation.
FILMMAKINGSfilmmakings n. Plural of filmmaking.
FILMMAKING n. the making of films.
HOMEMAKINGShomemakings n. Plural of homemaking.
HOMEMAKING n. the making of a home.
KUMMERBUNDSkummerbunds n. Plural of kummerbund.
KUMMERBUND n. (Hindi) a waistband, a sash, also CUMBERBUND, CUMMERBUND.
LEMMINGLIKElemminglike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a lemming, especially in having a propensity to follow blindly after a leader.
LEMMINGLIKE adj. like a lemming.
MATCHMAKINGmatchmaking n. An attempt to make two people romantically interested in each other, especially an attempt to set up…
matchmaking n. (Business) A service aiming to bring together sellers and buyers or potential partners.
matchmaking n. (Video games) The act or process of locating suitable players to take part in a multiplayer game session.
MERRYMAKINGmerrymaking n. Joyful festivities, especially as a celebration.
merry-making n. Alternative spelling of merrymaking.
MERRYMAKING n. gay or festive activity.
MINIMARKETSminimarkets n. Plural of minimarket.
MINIMARKET n. a small supermarket, also MINIMART.
MONEYMAKERSmoneymakers n. Plural of moneymaker.
Moneymakers prop.n. Plural of Moneymaker.
money-makers n. Plural of money-maker.
MONEYMAKINGmoneymaking adj. Alternative form of money-making.
moneymaking n. Alternative form of money-making.
money-making n. The acquisition of money.
MOVIEMAKINGmoviemaking n. The production of movies.
MOVIEMAKING n. the act of making movies.
MYTHMAKINGSmythmakings n. Plural of mythmaking.
MYTHMAKING n. the making of myths.
SKIMMINGTONskimmington n. (Obsolete) A person impersonating his/her offending spouse in a procession with the aim of ridicule.
skimmington n. (Obsolete) A ludicrous procession for the purpose of ridiculing a person’s offending spouse.
skimmington n. (Obsolete) A cuckold.
SKRIMMAGINGskrimmaging v. Present participle of skrimmage.
SLAMMERKINSslammerkins n. Plural of slammerkin.
SLAMMERKIN n. (obsolete) a loose gown; a slatternly woman, also SLAMMAKIN.
SLOMMOCKINGSLOMMOCK v. (dialect) to walk with a hip-rolling gait, also SLUMMOCK.
SLUMMOCKINGslummocking v. Present participle of slummock.
SLUMMOCK v. to move slowly and awkwardly, also SLOMMOCK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 106 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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