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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 18 ten-letter words containing 2K, R and W

BACKWORKERBACKWORKER n. a miner who does backwork, work done underground but not at the coalface.
BASKETWORKbasketwork n. Material woven in the style of a basket.
basketwork n. The craft of making such material.
basket-work n. Alternative spelling of basketwork.
BLOCKWORKSblockworks n. Plural of blockwork.
BLOCKWORK n. hollow blocks of precast concrete used for building.
BRICKWORKSbrickworks n. A place where bricks are made.
BRICKWORK n. a structure, such as a wall, built of bricks.
CAKEWALKERcakewalker n. A performer of the cakewalk dance.
CAKEWALKER n. one who does the cakewalk.
CLOCKWORKSclockworks n. Plural of clockwork.
CLOCKWORK n. the works or machinery of a clock.
DOCKWORKERdockworker n. A person who works on the dock of a harbor or shipyard, usually employed to load or unload freight.
dock␣worker n. Alternative form of dockworker.
DOCKWORKER n. one who works on the docks.
DONKEYWORKdonkeywork n. Alternative form of donkey work.
donkey␣work n. (Idiomatic) Hard, boring, routine work.
DONKEYWORK n. monotonous and routine work.
KEYWORKERSkeyworkers n. Plural of keyworker.
key␣workers n. Plural of key worker.
KEYWORKER n. a worker such as a teacher or health worker.
KNACKWURSTknackwurst n. A highly seasoned scalded sausage made from beef, pork, and fatty tissue similar to a frankfurter, but…
KNACKWURST n. (German) a kind of highly seasoned sausage, also KNOCKWURST.
KNOCKWURSTknockwurst n. Alternative spelling of knackwurst.
KNOCKWURST n. (German) a kind of highly seasoned sausage, also KNACKWURST.
KRAKOWIAKSkrakowiaks n. Plural of krakowiak.
KRAKOWIAK n. (Polish) a lively Polish dance, also CRACOVIENNE.
POKERWORKSPOKERWORK n. the art of producing designs on wood by burning it with a hot metal rod.
STICKWORKSSTICKWORK n. skill in using one's stick in any game played with one.
STOCKWORKSstockworks n. Plural of stockwork.
STOCKWORK n. (German) a mass of veins, impregnations, etc. of ore that can be worked as one deposit.
TRUNKWORKSTRUNKWORK n. (Shakespeare) clandestine visiting in a trunk.
WICKERWORKwickerwork n. A thing or things made of wicker.
wicker-work n. Alternative spelling of wickerwork.
WICKERWORK n. basketwork of any kind.
WORKBASKETworkbasket n. A basket used to hold materials for needlework, etc.
WORKBASKET n. a basket for holding materials for needlework, or the like.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 78 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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