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There are 12 words containing J, M, N, 2O and R

JOINTWORMjointworm n. The larva of a hymenopterous insect, Tetramesa tritici, found in gall-like swellings on wheatstalks…
JOINTWORM n. the larva of a small, hymenopterous fly, which is found in gall-like swellings on the stalks of wheat.
JOINTWORMSjointworms n. Plural of jointworm.
JOINTWORM n. the larva of a small, hymenopterous fly, which is found in gall-like swellings on the stalks of wheat.
MICROINJECTIONmicroinjection n. Injection (especially of biological material) using a micropipette.
MICROINJECTION n. an injection, e.g. into a single cell, performed under a microscope.
MICROINJECTIONSmicroinjections n. Plural of microinjection.
MICROINJECTION n. an injection, e.g. into a single cell, performed under a microscope.
MICROPROJECTIONmicroprojection n. A microscopically small projection.
MICROPROJECTION n. the use of a microprojector, a projector utilizing a compound microscope for projecting on a screen a greatly enlarged image of a microscopic object.
NONMAJORnonmajor n. (US) A student who is not a major (specialist in one area).
NONMAJOR n. a student who is not majoring in a specific subject.
NONMAJORSnonmajors n. Plural of nonmajor.
NONMAJOR n. a student who is not majoring in a specific subject.
PHOTOJOURNALISMphotojournalism n. A form of journalism in which a story is told primarily through photographs and other images.
PHOTOJOURNALISM n. journalism in which written copy is subordinate to pictorial usually photographic presentation of news stories or in which a high proportion of pictorial presentation is used.
SOJOURNMENTsojournment n. Temporary residence, as of a stranger or traveller.
SOJOURNMENT n. the act of sojourning.
SOJOURNMENTSsojournments n. Plural of sojournment.
SOJOURNMENT n. the act of sojourning.
THERMOJUNCTIONthermojunction n. An electrical junction of two dissimilar conductors used to produce a thermoelectric current, as in…
THERMOJUNCTION n. a junction of two dissimilar conductors used to produce a thermoelectric current.
THERMOJUNCTIONSthermojunctions n. Plural of thermojunction.
THERMOJUNCTION n. a junction of two dissimilar conductors used to produce a thermoelectric current.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 222 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 459 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 28 words

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