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There are 17 eight-letter words containing J, N, S, T and U

ADJUNCTSadjuncts n. Plural of adjunct.
ADJUNCT n. something attached in a subordinate position.
DISJUNCTdisjunct n. The state of being disjointed; disjointedness; a disconnect.
disjunct n. (Logic) One of multiple propositions, any of which, if true, confirm the validity of another proposition…
disjunct n. (Linguistics) Any sentence element that is not fully integrated into the clausal structure of the sentence.
INJUNCTSinjuncts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of injunct.
INJUNCT v. to prohibit; to restrain by means of an injunction.
JAUNTIESjaunties n. Plural of jaunty.
JAUNTIE n. a naval master-at-arms, also JONTY.
JOUSTINGjousting n. A medieval European sport in which mounted knights charged at each other bearing lances.
jousting n. (Figurative) Any activity in which two people spar with each other verbally.
jousting v. Present participle of joust.
JUNCATESjuncates n. Plural of juncate.
JUNCATE n. (Spenser) a junket, a dessert made from curds, also JUNKET.
JUNGLISTjunglist n. (Music) A dedicated listener to jungle or drum and bass music.
JUNGLIST n. an adherent of jungle, a style of rock music.
JUNKIESTjunkiest adj. Superlative form of junky: most junky.
JUNKY adj. rubbishy, worthless.
JUSTLINGjustling v. Present participle of justle.
justling n. A jostling.
JUSTLE v. to run or strike against, also JOSTLE.
JUSTNESSjustness n. The state of being just; fairness.
JUSTNESS n. the quality of being just.
MUNTJACSmuntjacs n. Plural of muntjac.
MUNTJAC n. (Malay) a small Asian deer, also MUNTJAK.
MUNTJAKSmuntjaks n. Plural of muntjak.
MUNTJAK n. (Malay) a small Asian deer, also MUNTJAC.
NINJITSUninjitsu n. Alternative form of ninjutsu.
NINJITSU n. (Japanese) a martial art, teaching stealth and camouflage, also NINJUTSU.
NINJUTSUninjutsu n. (Martial arts) A Japanese martial art that is a collection of techniques originally practiced for Japanese…
NINJUTSU n. (Japanese) a martial art, teaching stealth and camouflage, also NINJITSU.
UNJOINTSunjoints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unjoint.
UNJOINT v. to separate at a juncture.
UNJUSTERunjuster adj. Comparative form of unjust: more unjust.
UNJUST adj. not just.
UNJUSTLYunjustly adv. In an unjust manner.
UNJUST adv. not just.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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