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There are 15 eight-letter words containing J, 2O and R

CONJURORconjuror n. Alternative spelling of conjurer.
conjuror n. (Law, obsolete) One bound by a common oath with others.
CONJUROR n. a person who performs magic tricks, also CONJURER.
DOORJAMBdoorjamb n. Either of the upright posts on either side of a door, which together support a lintel.
DOORJAMB n. one of the two vertical members forming the sides of a doorframe, aka doorpost.
JACKAROOjackaroo n. (Australia, Queensland, obsolete) A white man living outside of a white settlement.
jackaroo n. (Australia) A trainee station manager or owner, working as a stockman or farm hand; formerly, a young…
jackaroo v. (Intransitive) To work as a jackaroo.
JACKEROOjackeroo n. Alternative spelling of jackaroo.
jackeroo v. Alternative spelling of jackaroo.
JACKEROO n. (Australian) a newcomer gaining experience at a sheep-station.
JARGOONSjargoons n. Plural of jargoon.
JARGOON n. (French) a brilliant pale or colourless zircon.
JEROBOAMjeroboam n. Alternative letter-case form of Jeroboam: a very large wine bottle.
Jeroboam prop.n. First king of the Kingdom of Israel.
Jeroboam n. A bottle of champagne or Burgundy wine containing 3 liters of fluid, four times the volume of a standard bottle.
JILLAROOjillaroo n. (Australia) A female jackaroo, a woman who does the job of a jackaroo.
JILLAROO n. (Australian) a female jackaroo (apprentice at a cattle station).
JOGTROTSjogtrots n. Plural of jogtrot.
jogtrots v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jogtrot.
JOGTROT v. to move at a slow trot.
JORDELOOJORDELOO n. (Scots) a warning cry when slops are thrown from a window, also GARDYLOO.
NONJURORnonjuror n. (Historical, Anglicanism) Someone who refuses to swear a particular oath, specifically a clergyman who…
nonjuror n. One who is not a juror.
NONJUROR n. one of those adherents of James II who refused to take the oath of allegiance to William and Mary, or to their successors, after the revolution of 1688; a Jacobite.
NONMAJORnonmajor n. (US) A student who is not a major (specialist in one area).
NONMAJOR n. a student who is not majoring in a specific subject.
OBJECTORobjector n. A person who objects to something.
OBJECTOR n. one that objects.
OVERJOYSoverjoys v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overjoy.
OVERJOY v. to fill with great joy.
REJONEOSREJONEO n. (Spanish) the art of bullfighting on horseback using rejones.
SOJOURNSsojourns n. Plural of sojourn.
sojourns v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sojourn.
SOJOURN v. to stay temporarily.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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