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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing J, M, N and O

DEMIJOHNdemijohn n. A large bottle with a short neck, sometimes with two small handles at the neck, sometimes encased in wickerwork.
demi-john n. Alternative spelling of demijohn.
DEMIJOHN n. (French) a large bottle having a wicker case.
JAMBOLANjambolan n. Synonym of jambul.
JAMBOLAN n. (Sanskrit) the rose-apple tree of Malaysia, also JAMBOLANA, JAMBOOL, JAMBU, JAMBUL.
JAMBONESJambones n. Plural of Jambone.
JAMBONE n. a lone hand in Euchre.
JANIFORMjaniform adj. Resembling the god Janus, having two faces looking in opposite directions.
JANIFORM adj. like the Roman god Janus; two-faced, hypocritical.
JINGOISMjingoism n. (Uncountable) Excessive patriotism or aggressive nationalism, especially with regards to foreign policy.
jingoism n. (Countable) A jingoistic attitude, comment, etc.
jingoism n. (Uncountable) Chauvinism.
JOBNAMESjobnames n. Plural of jobname.
JOBNAME n. a computer code for a job instruction.
LONGJUMPlong␣jump n. An athletics field event where competitors attempt to jump as far as possible, after taking a run-up;…
long␣jump v. To perform a long jump; to compete in the long jump event.
LONGJUMP v. to jump for distance from a running start.
MAHJONGGmahjongg n. Alternative spelling of mahjong.
mah-jongg n. Alternative spelling of mahjong.
MAHJONGG n. (Chinese) a game of Chinese origin, also MAHJONG.
MAHJONGSMAHJONG n. (Chinese) a game of Chinese origin, also MAHJONGG.
MAJORINGmajoring v. Present participle of major.
MAJOR v. to pursue a specific principal course of study.
MISJOINSmisjoins v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misjoin.
MISJOIN v. to join incorrectly.
NONMAJORnonmajor n. (US) A student who is not a major (specialist in one area).
NONMAJOR n. a student who is not majoring in a specific subject.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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