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There are 12 six-letter words containing J, N, O and U

GOUJONgoujon n. A mudcat (fish).
goujon n. A thin strip of food, usually fish or chicken.
GOUJON n. (French) a small strip of fish coated with flour and deep-fried.
JOCUNDjocund adj. Jovial; exuberant; lighthearted; merry and in high spirits; exhibiting happiness.
JOCUND adj. marked by or suggestive of high spirits and lively mirthfulness.
JOTUNNjotunn n. Alternative form of jotun.
Jotunn n. Alternative letter-case form of jotunn.
jötunn n. Alternative form of jotun.
JOTUNSjotuns n. Plural of jotun.
Jotuns n. Plural of Jotun.
jötuns n. Plural of jötun.
JOUNCEjounce v. (Transitive, intransitive) To jolt; to shake, especially by rough riding or by driving over obstructions.
jounce n. A movement, such as a jolt or a shake.
jounce n. (Physics) The fourth derivative of the position vector with respect to time; the time derivative of jerk.
JOUNCYjouncy adj. Bumpy or bouncy.
JOUNCY adj. jolting.
JOURNOjourno n. (UK, Australia, informal) A journalist.
JOURNO n. (slang) a journalist.
JUNCOSjuncos n. Plural of junco.
JUNCO n. (Spanish) a North American bird.
JUNIORjunior adj. (Comparable) Low in rank; having a subordinate role, job, or situation.
junior adj. (Not comparable, often preceded by a possessive adjective or a possessive form of a noun) Younger.
junior adj. (Not comparable) Belonging to a younger person, or an earlier time of life.
JUNTOSjuntos n. Plural of junto.
JUNTO n. (Spanish) a group, esp. one made of military officers, ruling a country after a coup, also JUNTA.
JUPONSjupons n. Plural of jupon.
JUPON n. a sleeveless jacket worn beneath a hauberk, also GIPON.
NUTJOBnutjob n. Alternative spelling of nut job.
nut-job n. Alternative form of nutjob.
nut␣job n. (Colloquial, derogatory) Someone who is crazy (insane).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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