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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing J, N and 2O

AUTOINJECTORSautoinjectors n. Plural of autoinjector.
auto-injectors n. Plural of auto-injector.
CONJUGATIONALconjugational adj. Of or pertaining to conjugation.
CONJUGATIONAL adj. conjugate.
CONJUNCTIONALconjunctional adj. Conjoining.
conjunctional adj. (Linguistics) Pertaining to, or governed by, a conjunction.
CONJUNCTIONAL adj. relating to conjunction.
INTROJECTIONSintrojections n. Plural of introjection.
INTROJECTION n. the incorporation of external ideas and attitudes into one's own personality.
JALOALLOFANESJALOALLOFANE n. a crystalline mineral which contains potassium and belongs to the feldspar group, aka hyalophane.
JARGONISATIONjargonisation n. Alternative form of jargonization.
JARGONISATION n. the process of jargonising, also JARGONIZATION.
JARGONIZATIONjargonization n. The incorporation of jargon into a text or language.
jargonization n. That which has been translated into jargon.
JARGONIZATION n. the process of jargonizing, also JARGONISATION.
JEJUNOSTOMIESjejunostomies n. Plural of jejunostomy.
JEJUNOSTOMY n. surgical excision of the jejunum.
JOLLIFICATIONjollification n. A merrymaking; noisy festivity.
JOLLIFICATION n. festivity, merrymaking.
JUXTAPOSITIONjuxtaposition n. The nearness of objects with little or no delimiter.
juxtaposition n. The extra emphasis given to a comparison when the contrasted objects are close together.
juxtaposition v. To place in juxtaposition.
NONCONJUGATEDnonconjugated adj. Not conjugated.
NONCONJUGATED adj. not conjugated.
NONOBJECTIVESnonobjectives n. Plural of nonobjective.
OBJECTIONABLEobjectionable adj. Arousing disapproval; worthy of objection; offensive.
OBJECTIONABLE adj. undesirable, offensive.
OBJECTIONABLYobjectionably adv. In an objectionable manner.
OBJECTIONABLE adv. undesirable, offensive.
OBJECTIVATIONobjectivation n. The conversion of a concept or abstraction into an object.
objectivation n. (Physics) An interpretation of a quantum mechanical concept in terms of classical physics.
OBJECTIVATION n. the act of rendering objective.
POSTINJECTIONpostinjection adj. (Medicine) After an injection is administered.
postinjection n. An injection of fuel (into an engine) after a previous combustion phase.
POSTINJECTION adj. taking place after an injection.
PROJECTIONISTprojectionist n. A person who operates a film projector, especially one who does so as an occupation at a movie theatre…
projectionist n. One who subscribes to the philosophy of projectionism.
PROJECTIONIST n. one that makes projections.
RETROJECTIONSretrojections n. Plural of retrojection.
RETROJECTION n. throwing backwards.
STOCKJOBBINGSstockjobbings n. Plural of stockjobbing.
STOCKJOBBING n. a list of stocks and current prices regularly issued.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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