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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing J, 2N and U

ANTIMARIJUANAantimarijuana adj. Opposed to, or countering, the use of marijuana.
anti-marijuana adj. Alternative form of antimarijuana.
ANTIMARIJUANA adj. opposed to the use of marijuana.
CONJUGATENESSconjugateness n. The quality of being conjugate.
CONJUGATE n. joined, connected.
CONJUGATIONALconjugational adj. Of or pertaining to conjugation.
CONJUGATIONAL adj. conjugate.
CONJUNCTIONALconjunctional adj. Conjoining.
conjunctional adj. (Linguistics) Pertaining to, or governed by, a conjunction.
CONJUNCTIONAL adj. relating to conjunction.
CONJUNCTIVELYconjunctively adv. In a conjunctive way.
CONJUNCTIVE adv. joining.
INJURIOUSNESSinjuriousness n. The quality of being injurious.
INJURIOUSNESS n. the state of being injurious.
JUVENESCENCESJUVENESCENCE n. the state of growing young.
NONCONJUGATEDnonconjugated adj. Not conjugated.
NONCONJUGATED adj. not conjugated.
NONJUDGMENTALnonjudgmental adj. Without making judgements, especially those based upon personal ethics or opinions.
NONJUDGMENTAL adj. avoiding judgments based on one's personal and esp. moral standards, also NONJUDGEMENTAL.
NONSUBJECTIVEnonsubjective adj. Not subjective.
NONSUBJECTIVE adj. not subjective.
REJUVENATIONSrejuvenations n. Plural of rejuvenation.
REJUVENATION n. the act of making young again.
REJUVENESCENTrejuvenescent adj. Becoming, or causing to become, rejuvenated.
REJUVENESCENT adj. effecting rejuvenescence.
REJUVENESCINGrejuvenescing v. Present participle of rejuvenesce.
REJUVENESCE v. to make young again.
TECHNOJUNKIEStechnojunkies n. Plural of technojunkie.
TECHNOJUNKIE n. someone who is obsessed with technology.
UNCONJECTUREDunconjectured adj. Not conjectured.
UNCONJECTURED adj. not conjectured.
UNCONJUNCTIVEunconjunctive adj. That cannot be joined together.
UNCONJUNCTIVE adj. (Milton) impossible to be joined.
ZINJANTHROPUSZinjanthropus prop.n. (Anthropology, paleontology, archaeology, obsolete) A taxonomic genus within the family Hominidae –…
ZINJANTHROPUS n. a type of australopithecine, remains of which were discovered in the Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania in 1959.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 134 words
  • Scrabble in French: 55 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 129 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 97 words

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