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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing J, L, N and O

CONJECTURABLEconjecturable adj. Able to be conjectured upon.
CONJECTURABLE adj. susceptible to conjecture.
CONJECTURABLYconjecturably adv. In a conjecturable manner.
CONJECTURABLE adv. susceptible to conjecture.
CONJECTURALLYconjecturally adv. In a conjectural manner.
CONJECTURAL adv. of the nature of or involving or based on conjecture.
CONJUGALITIESconjugalities n. Plural of conjugality.
CONJUGALITY n. the state of being conjugal.
CONJUGATIONALconjugational adj. Of or pertaining to conjugation.
CONJUGATIONAL adj. conjugate.
CONJUNCTIONALconjunctional adj. Conjoining.
conjunctional adj. (Linguistics) Pertaining to, or governed by, a conjunction.
CONJUNCTIONAL adj. relating to conjunction.
CONJUNCTIVELYconjunctively adv. In a conjunctive way.
CONJUNCTIVE adv. joining.
ENJOYABLENESSenjoyableness n. The quality or state of being enjoyable.
ENJOYABLE n. that can be enjoyed.
INJUDICIOUSLYinjudiciously adv. In an injudicious manner.
INJUDICIOUS adv. not judicious.
JALOALLOFANESJALOALLOFANE n. a crystalline mineral which contains potassium and belongs to the feldspar group, aka hyalophane.
JEALOUSNESSESJEALOUSNESS n. the state of being jealous.
JELLIFICATIONjellification n. The process or result of jellifying.
JELLIFICATION n. the act of jellifying.
JOBLESSNESSESJOBLESSNESS n. the state of being jobless.
JOLLIFICATIONjollification n. A merrymaking; noisy festivity.
JOLLIFICATION n. festivity, merrymaking.
JOYLESSNESSESjoylessnesses n. Plural of joylessness.
JOYLESSNESS n. the state of being joyless.
JUGLANDACEOUSjuglandaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to Juglandaceae.
juglandaceous adj. Of or relating to walnuts.
JUGLANDACEOUS adj. belonging to the walnut family.
JURISCONSULTSjurisconsults n. Plural of jurisconsult.
JURISCONSULT n. someone who is consulted on the law; a lawyer who gives opinions on cases put to him or her.
NONJUDGMENTALnonjudgmental adj. Without making judgements, especially those based upon personal ethics or opinions.
NONJUDGMENTAL adj. avoiding judgments based on one's personal and esp. moral standards, also NONJUDGEMENTAL.
OBJECTIONABLEobjectionable adj. Arousing disapproval; worthy of objection; offensive.
OBJECTIONABLE adj. undesirable, offensive.
OBJECTIONABLYobjectionably adv. In an objectionable manner.
OBJECTIONABLE adv. undesirable, offensive.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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