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There are 16 ten-letter words containing J, L, U and Y

ADJUSTABLYadjustably adv. In a way that is adjustable.
ADJUSTABLE adv. that can be adjusted.
CONJUGALLYconjugally adv. In a conjugal manner; as husband and wife.
CONJUGAL adv. pertaining to marriage.
CONJUNCTLYconjunctly adv. In a conjunct manner; jointly.
CONJUNCT adv. joined together, united, also CONJOINT.
FRABJOUSLYfrabjously adv. In a frabjous manner; wonderfully, fabulously.
FRABJOUS adv. splendid, magnificent.
JACULATORYjaculatory adj. Darting or throwing out suddenly; also, suddenly thrown out; uttered in short sentences; ejaculatory.
JACULATORY adj. throwing out suddenly.
JAUNTINGLYjauntingly adv. In a jaunting manner.
JAUNTING adv. JAUNT, to go on a pleasure trip.
JOCULARITYjocularity n. Joking, humorous remarks or behaviour.
JOCULARITY n. jesting, merriment.
JOYFULLESTjoyfullest adj. Superlative form of joyful: most joyful.
JOYFUL adj. full of joy.
JOYFULNESSjoyfulness n. The state of being joyful.
JOYFULNESS n. the state of being joyful.
JUBILANTLYjubilantly adv. With jubilation or triumph.
JUBILANT adv. exultant.
JUDICIALLYjudicially adv. In a judicial manner.
JUDICIAL adv. pertaining to courts of law.
JUGGLINGLYjugglingly adv. (Archaic) deceitfully.
JUMBLINGLYjumblingly adv. So as to jumble or confuse.
JUMBLING adv. JUMBLE, to mix in a disordered manner.
JUNGLEGYMSjungle␣gyms n. Plural of jungle gym.
JUNGLEGYM n. (tradename) a climbing frame for children.
JUVENILELYjuvenilely adv. In a juvenile manner.
JUVENILE adv. young, not adult.
JUVENILITYjuvenility n. The state or quality of being juvenile.
juvenility n. Juvenile behaviour, writing, etc.
JUVENILITY n. youthfulness; adolescence.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 62 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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