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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing J, L and P

APPLEJACKapplejack n. An alcoholic drink similar to apple brandy and calvados, made by freeze-distilling ("jacking") apple cider.
APPLEJACK n. apple brandy, distilled from fermented apple juice, also APPLECART.
FLAPJACKSflapjacks n. Plural of flapjack; pancakes.
FLAPJACK n. a kind of biscuit, also SLAPJACK.
JACKALOPEjackalope n. A folkloric animal, a supposed cross between a jackrabbit and an antelope, goat, or deer, usually portrayed…
JACKALOPE n. a mythical animal that is reported chiefly from the western US and is reputed to be the size of a small deer and to have the body of a jackrabbit and the horns of an antelope.
JACKPLANEjackplane n. Alternative spelling of jack plane.
jack␣plane n. A general-purpose bench plane, used for general sizing of wood and for smoothing or straightening edges.
JACKPLANE n. a large woodworking plane.
JALAPENOSjalapenos n. Plural of jalapeno.
jalapeños n. Plural of jalapeño.
JALAPENO n. (Spanish) an especially hot type of Capsicum pepper.
JALOPPIESjaloppies n. Plural of jaloppy.
JALOPPY n. a decrepit car, also JALOPY.
JASPILITEjaspilite n. (Mineralogy) A compact siliceous rock resembling jasper.
JASPILITE n. a rock like jasper.
JUMPINGLYjumpingly adv. In a jumping way; with jumping motions.
LONGJUMPSlong␣jumps n. Plural of long jump.
long␣jumps v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of long jump.
LONGJUMP v. to jump for distance from a running start.
PULSEJETSpulsejets n. Plural of pulsejet.
pulse␣jets n. Plural of pulse jet.
PULSEJET n. in jet propulsion, an intermittent jet, also PULSOJET.
PULSOJETSpulsojets n. Plural of pulsojet.
PULSOJET n. in jet propulsion, an intermittent jet, also PULSEJET.
SLAPJACKSslapjacks n. Plural of slapjack.
SLAPJACK n. a flat batter cake cooked on a griddle, also FLAPJACK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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