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There are 16 seven-letter words containing J and Z

AZULEJOazulejo n. A painted tin-glazed ceramic tile of a kind found in Spain and Portugal, often arranged to form geometric patterns.
AZULEJO n. (Spanish) a painted pottery tile.
BIZJETSbizjets n. Plural of bizjet.
BIZJET n. a small airplane used for business.
JACUZZIjacuzzi n. A hot tub or whirlpool bath with underwater jets that massage the body.
jacuzzi v. (Transitive) To equip with a jacuzzi.
jacuzzi v. (Intransitive) To use a jacuzzi.
JANIZARjanizar n. Alternative form of janissary.
JANIZAR n. (Turkish) a soldier of the old Turkish footguards, also JANISARY, JANISSARY, JANIZARY.
JAZZBOSjazzbos n. Plural of jazzbo.
JAZZBO n. a devotee of jazz (a style of lively syncopated music).
JAZZERSjazzers n. Plural of jazzer.
JAZZER n. a jazz musician.
JAZZIERjazzier adj. Comparative form of jazzy: more jazzy.
JAZZY adj. of or like jazz, noisy, garish.
JAZZILYjazzily adv. In a jazzy way.
JAZZY adv. of or like jazz, noisy, garish.
JAZZINGjazzing v. Present participle of jazz.
JAZZ v. to liven up the beat of.
JAZZMANjazzman n. (Music) A male member of a jazz band.
JAZZMAN n. a musician who plays jazz.
JAZZMENjazzmen n. Plural of jazzman.
JAZZMAN n. a musician who plays jazz.
JEEZELYJEEZELY adj. used as an intensifier, also JEESLY, JEEZLY.
JEZAILSjezails n. Plural of jezail.
JEZAIL n. a heavy Afghan musket.
JEZEBELjezebel n. Alternative letter-case form of Jezebel.
Jezebel prop.n. (Biblical) The Phoenician princess and Queen of Ancient Israel who appears in the Old Testament (1 Kings…
Jezebel n. (Derogatory) A woman who is evil, scheming, shameless, or immoral.
MUZJIKSmuzjiks n. Plural of muzjik.
MUZJIK n. (Russian) a Russian peasant, also MUZHIK, MOUJIK, MUJIK.
ZANJEROzanjero n. An official in charge of water supplies in Latin America.
ZANJERO n. (Spanish) someone who supervises the distribution of water in irrigation canals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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