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There are 18 six-letter words containing J and W

AJOWANajowan n. Alternative form of ajwain.
AJOWAN n. the fruit of an Egyptian plant of the caraway genus, also AJWAN.
AJWANSAJWAN n. the fruit of an Egyptian plant of the caraway genus, also AJOWAN.
JAWANSjawans n. Plural of jawan.
JAWAN n. (Urdu) an Indian common soldier.
JAWARIjawari n. Alternative form of jawar (“sorghum”).
jawari n. Plural of jariya.
JAWARI n. (Hindi) Indian millet, aka durra, also JOWAR, JOWARI.
JAWBOXjawbox n. (Scotland, dated) A tenement sink.
jaw-box n. Alternative form of jawbox.
JAWBOX n. (Scots) a sink.
JAWINGjawing v. Present participle of jaw.
jawing n. A scolding.
JAWING n. chattering at length.
JETWAYjetway n. (US) Synonym of jet bridge: an elevated corridor connecting an airport to a plane.
JETWAY n. a telescoping corridor that extends from an airport terminal to an aircraft.
JEWELSjewels n. Plural of jewel.
jewels n. (Slang) Family jewels; testicles.
jewels v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of jewel.
JEWIESjewies n. Plural of jewie.
Jewies n. Plural of Jewie.
JEWIE n. (Australian slang) the jewfish.
JIGSAWjigsaw n. A power saw with fine teeth and a narrow blade which can cut curves in wood or metal.
jigsaw n. A jigsaw puzzle.
jigsaw n. Something that can be compared to a jigsaw puzzle.
JOWARIjowari n. Alternative form of jawar.
JOWARI n. (Hindi) Indian millet, aka durra, also JOWAR, JAWARI.
JOWARSJOWAR n. (Hindi) Indian millet, aka durra, also JAWARI, JOWARI.
JOWINGJOW v. to ring, toll a bell.
JOWLEDjowled adj. Jowly.
JOWL v. to bump, also JOLE, JOLL, JOULE.
JOWLERjowler n. (Archaic) A dog with large jowls, such as the beagle.
JOWLER n. a heavy-jawed hound.
SWARAJswaraj n. (India, historical) self-rule.
SWARAJ n. (Sanskrit) self-government, home rule, also SVARAJ.
WILJASwiljas n. Plural of wilja.
WILJA n. (Native Australian) an Aboriginal shelter or hut, also WILTJA.
WILTJAwiltja n. A semicircular Aboriginal dwelling, intended as a temporary shelter from the heat of the sun.
WILTJA n. (Native Australian) an Aboriginal shelter or hut, also WILJA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 107 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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