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There are 18 fifteen-letter words containing I, 2R, 2S and 3T

CITRICULTURISTScitriculturists n. Plural of citriculturist.
CITRICULTURIST n. one who practises citriculture, the cultivation of citrus fruits.
GASTROENTERITISgastroenteritis n. (Medicine) Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestine; often caused by an infection.
GASTROENTERITIS n. inflammation of the lining membrane of the stomach and the intestines characterized esp. by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and cramps.
HORTICULTURISTShorticulturists n. Plural of horticulturist.
HORTICULTURIST n. one who practises horticulture.
INTERSTRATIFIESinterstratifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of interstratify.
INTERSTRATIFY v. to create strata between.
OSTEOARTHRITICSosteoarthritics n. Plural of osteoarthritic.
OSTEOARTHRITIC n. one suffering from osteoarthritis.
OSTREICULTURISTostreiculturist n. A breeder or farmer of oysters.
OSTREICULTURIST n. one who breeds oysters.
PHOTOTRANSISTORphototransistor n. (Electronics) Any semiconductor device whose electrical characteristics are light-sensitive.
PHOTOTRANSISTOR n. a junction transistor, whose base signal is generated by illumination of the base.
RESTORATIONISTSrestorationists n. Plural of restorationist.
RESTORATIONIST n. a believer in restorationism.
RESTRICTIONISTSrestrictionists n. Plural of restrictionist.
RESTRICTIONIST n. a supporter of restrictionism.
STRATIGRAPHISTSstratigraphists n. Plural of stratigraphist.
STRATIGRAPHIST n. a practitioner of stratigraphy, also STRATIGRAPHER.
STREPTOTHRICINSstreptothricins n. Plural of streptothricin.
STREPTOTHRICIN n. any of a group of related basic antibiotics produced by a streptomyces and active esp. against bacteria.
TERRITORIALISTSterritorialists n. Plural of territorialist.
TERRITORIALIST n. a supporter of territorialism.
TETARTOHEDRISMStetartohedrisms n. Plural of tetartohedrism.
TETARTOHEDRISM n. the state of being tetartohedral, having one fourth the number of planes required by complete symmetry.
TRAINSPOTTERISHtrainspotterish adj. (Informal) Like a trainspotter; obsessively nerdy.
TRAINSPOTTERISH adj. obsessed with trivial details, esp. of a subject generally considered uninteresting.
TRANSLITERATORStransliterators n. Plural of transliterator.
TRANSLITERATOR n. one who transliterates.
TRANSPORTATIONStransportations n. Plural of transportation.
TRANSPORTATION n. an act, process, or instance of transporting or being transported.
TRUSTWORTHINESStrustworthiness n. The state or quality of being trustworthy or reliable.
TRUSTWORTHINESS n. the state of being trustworthy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 89 words
  • Scrabble in French: 33 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 16 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 82 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 22 words

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