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There are 19 words containing I, O, 3S, T, U and Y

SENSUOSITYsensuosity n. Sensuousness.
SENSUOSITY n. the state of being sensuous.
DISASTROUSLYdisastrously adv. In a disastrous way. (Of the nature of a disaster; calamitously.)
DISASTROUS adv. attended by or causing suffering or disaster.
SINISTROUSLYsinistrously adv. In a sinistrous manner; perversely; wrongly; unluckily.
sinistrously adv. With a tendency to use the left hand.
SINISTROUS adv. inauspicious, sinister, also SINISTER.
NECESSITOUSLYnecessitously adv. In a necessitous way.
NECESSITOUS adv. needful, in need.
PHYSOCLISTOUSphysoclistous adj. Relating to physoclists.
PHYSOCLISTOUS adj. of fishes, having an air bladder that is not connected to the alimentary canal.
PUSSYFOOTINGSPUSSYFOOTING n. the act of approaching a topic with great caution.
IMMUNOASSAYISTIMMUNOASSAYIST n. one who carries out immunoassays.
MYSTERIOUSNESSmysteriousness n. The quality of being mysterious.
MYSTERIOUSNESS n. the state of being mysterious.
PNEUMOCYSTISESPNEUMOCYSTIS n. any protozoan of the genus Pneumocystis, esp. P. carinii, which is a cause of pneumonia.
QUESTIONLESSLYquestionlessly adv. In a questionless manner; assuredly.
QUESTIONLESS adv. unquestioning; beyond question or doubt.
SUPERLOBBYISTSsuperlobbyists n. Plural of superlobbyist.
SUPERLOBBYIST n. an exceptionally effective lobbyist.
SUPERLOYALISTSsuperloyalists n. Plural of superloyalist.
SUPERLOYALIST n. an extreme loyalist.
SUPPOSITIOUSLYsuppositiously adv. In a suppositious manner.
SUPPOSITIOUS adv. fraudulently substituted, also SUPPOSITITIOUS.
IMMUNOASSAYISTSIMMUNOASSAYIST n. one who carries out immunoassays.
NUCLEOSYNTHESISnucleosynthesis n. (Physics, astronomy) Any of several processes that lead to the synthesis of heavier atomic nuclei.
NUCLEOSYNTHESIS n. the production of a chemical element from simpler nuclei, as of hydrogen, esp. in a star.
PSYCHOACOUSTICSpsychoacoustics n. The scientific study of all the psychological interactions between humans and the world of sound; includes…
PSYCHOACOUSTICS n. a branch of science dealing with the perception of sound, the sensations produced by sounds, and the problems of communication.
PSYCHOLINGUISTSpsycholinguists n. Plural of psycholinguist.
PSYCHOLINGUIST n. a student of psycholinguistics.
SUPERSTITIOUSLYsuperstitiously adv. In a superstitious manner.
SUPERSTITIOUS adv. relating to superstition.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 247 words
  • Scrabble in French: 35 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 31 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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