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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 19 fourteen-letter words containing I, N, 2R, 2S, T and V

ANTICORROSIVESanticorrosives n. Plural of anticorrosive.
ANTICORROSIVE n. a substance designed to counteract corrosion.
CONSERVATOIRESconservatoires n. Plural of conservatoire.
CONSERVATOIRE n. (French) a public place of instruction in any special branch, esp. music and the arts.
CONSERVATORIESconservatories n. Plural of conservatory.
CONSERVATORY n. a greenhouse for growing or displaying plants.
CONSERVATRICESconservatrices n. Plural of conservatrix.
CONSERVATRIX n. a female conservator.
CONTROVERTISTScontrovertists n. Plural of controvertist.
CONTROVERTIST n. one who engages in controversy.
INTEROBSERVERSSorry, definition not available.
IRRELATIVENESSirrelativeness n. Quality of being irrelative.
IRRELATIVE n. not relative; irrelevant, also IRRELATED.
LATEROVERSIONSlateroversions n. Plural of lateroversion.
LATEROVERSION n. abnormal lateral displacement of a bodily organ or part, esp. of the uterus.
MISADVENTURERSmisadventurers n. Plural of misadventurer.
MISADVENTURER n. one who misadventures.
OVERASSERTIONSoverassertions n. Plural of overassertion.
OVERASSERTION n. an excessive assertion.
OVERSECRETIONSoversecretions n. Plural of oversecretion.
OVERSECRETION n. excessive secretion.
PERSEVERATIONSperseverations n. Plural of perseveration.
PERSEVERATION n. continuation of something (as repetition of a word) usually to an exceptional degree or beyond a desired point.
PREREVISIONISTprerevisionist adj. Prior to revisionism.
PREREVISIONIST adj. preceding revisionism.
PROTRUSIVENESSprotrusiveness n. The quality of protruding, or sticking out.
PROTRUSIVE n. thrusting or impelling forward; as, protrusive motion.
REFRACTIVENESSrefractiveness n. The quality or condition of being refractive.
REFRACTIVENESS n. the state of being refractive.
RESERVATIONISTreservationist n. A person whose job is to take reservations.
RESERVATIONIST n. one who makes a reservation.
TRANSVERSALITYtransversality n. (Mathematics) A property of two intersecting submanifolds, where at every intersection point, their…
transversality n. The quality of connecting or representing a range of heterogeneous elements (fields, kinds of people, etc).
TRANSVERSALITY n. the state of being transversal.
VERNACULARISTSvernacularists n. Plural of vernacularist.
VERNACULARIST n. a user of the vernacular.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 72 words
  • Scrabble in French: 55 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 33 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 38 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 20 words

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