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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing I, N, 2O, P, 2R and U

ANTICORRUPTIONanticorruption adj. Opposed to or combating corruption.
anticorruption n. Movement or actions opposing corruption.
anti-corruption adj. Alternative form of anticorruption.
CORRUPTIONISTScorruptionists n. Plural of corruptionist.
CORRUPTIONIST n. one who practices or defends corruption esp. in politics.
DURCHKOMPONIRTDURCHKOMPONIRT adj. (German) having the music especially adapted to each stanza, also DURCHKOMPONIERT.
NONSUPERVISORYnonsupervisory adj. Not of a supervisory character; not engaged in supervision.
NONSUPERVISORY adj. not supervisory.
OUTREPRODUCINGoutreproducing v. Present participle of outreproduce.
OUTREPRODUCE v. to surpass in reproducing.
OVERPERSUASIONoverpersuasion n. Excessive persuasion.
OVERPERSUASION n. excessive persuasion.
OVERPRODUCTIONoverproduction n. The production of more of a commodity than can be used or sold.
OVERPRODUCTION n. excessive production.
PERLOCUTIONARYperlocutionary adj. Of or pertaining to perlocution.
PERLOCUTIONARY adj. relating to perlocution, the effect produced when a particular word is uttered.
PREPRODUCTIONSpreproductions n. Plural of preproduction.
pre-productions n. Plural of pre-production.
PREPRODUCTION n. a preliminary production.
PREREVOLUTIONSSorry, definition not available.
PROTUBERATIONSprotuberations n. Plural of protuberation.
PROTUBERATION n. a swelling out, a bulge.
SUPEREROGATIONsupererogation n. An act of doing more than is required.
supererogation n. (Philosophy) An action that is neither morally forbidden nor required, but has moral value.
SUPEREROGATION n. the act of performing more than is required by duty, obligation or need.
TROPHONEUROSIStrophoneurosis n. (Medicine, archaic) Synonym of trophesy.
TROPHONEUROSIS n. a state of deranged nutrition owing to disorder of the trophic action of the nerves.
UNINCORPORATEDunincorporated adj. Not organized as a corporation.
unincorporated adj. (US, of land or the like) Not contained in a municipality.
unincorporated v. Simple past tense and past participle of unincorporate.
UNPROPORTIONEDunproportioned adj. Not proportioned.
UNPROPORTIONED adj. not proportioned.
UPROARIOUSNESSuproariousness n. Noisy riot or hilarity; uproar.
UPROARIOUSNESS n. the state of being uproarious.
UREDINIOSPORESurediniospores n. Plural of urediniospore.
UREDINIOSPORE n. the thin-walled summer spore which is produced during the so-called Uredo stage of certain rusts, also UREDIOSPORE, UREDOSPORE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 139 words
  • Scrabble in French: 72 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 25 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 42 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 116 words

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