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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 16 fourteen-letter words containing I, 3N, 2O, P and T

EXPONENTIATIONexponentiation n. (Mathematics, arithmetic) The process of calculating a power by multiplying together a number of equal…
exponentiation n. (Mathematics, arithmetic, countable) A mathematical problem involving exponentiation.
EXPONENTIATION n. the mathematical operation of raising a quantity to a power.
NONCOMPETITIONnoncompetition adj. Of or pertaining to an agreement not to compete with another party.
noncompetition adj. A failure to compete.
NONCOMPETITION n. something that is not a competition.
NONCOMPLETIONSnoncompletions n. Plural of noncompletion.
NONCOMPLETION n. failure to complete something.
NONCONSUMPTIONnonconsumption n. The failure to consume.
NONCONSUMPTION n. something that is not consumption.
NONCONSUMPTIVEnonconsumptive adj. That does not consume a resource.
nonconsumptive adj. That is not consumed (eaten).
nonconsumptive adj. Not suffering from consumption, or tuberculosis.
NONCOOPERATIONnoncooperation n. The active absence of cooperation.
non-cooperation n. Alternative spelling of noncooperation.
NONCOOPERATION n. failure or refusal to cooperate.
NONDEPOSITIONSNONDEPOSITION n. something that is not a deposition.
NONIMPLICATIONnonimplication n. (Chiefly logic) That which is not implied; the opposite of an implication.
NONIMPLICATION n. the fact of not being implicated.
NONIMPORTATIONnonimportation n. A policy of refusing to import goods; especially the policy in 18th-century colonial America of preventing…
NONIMPORTATION n. something that is not importation.
NONOPERATIONALnonoperational adj. Not operating; not working.
nonoperational adj. Not associated with operation. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
non-operational adj. Alternative form of nonoperational.
NONPOLITICIANSnonpoliticians n. Plural of nonpolitician.
NONPOLITICIAN n. someone who is not a politician.
POSTCONVENTIONpostconvention adj. After a convention.
POSTCONVENTION adj. taking place after a convention.
POSTTENSIONINGposttensioning v. Present participle of posttension.
post-tensioning v. Present participle of post-tension.
POSTTENSION v. to apply tension to (reinforcing steel) after concrete has set.
PRENOMINATIONSprenominations n. Plural of prenomination.
PRENOMINATION n. the act of prenominating, naming in advance.
PRONUNCIAMENTOpronunciamento n. A manifesto or formal public declaration, originally political; a proclamation.
pronunciamento n. In Mexico and Latin America, an uprising or insurrection.
PRONUNCIAMENTO n. an official or authoritarian declaration; a proclamation or an edict.
PRONUNCIATIONSpronunciations n. Plural of pronunciation.
PRONUNCIATION n. the act or manner of pronouncing something.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 150 words
  • Scrabble in French: 67 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 29 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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