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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing I, 2N, O, 3S and U

BOUNCINESSESbouncinesses n. Plural of bounciness.
BOUNCINESS n. the state of being bouncy.
CONNOISSEURSconnoisseurs n. Plural of connoisseur.
CONNOISSEUR n. (French) one who appreciates fine things e.g. wines, the arts.
DISUNIONISTSdisunionists n. Plural of disunionist.
DISUNIONIST n. someone who favours dissolution of a union.
INFAMOUSNESSinfamousness n. The state or quality of being infamous; infamy.
INFAMOUSNESS n. the state of being infamous.
INFUSIONISMSINFUSIONISM n. the doctrine that at the birth of each individual a preexisting soul is implanted in his body.
INFUSIONISTSinfusionists n. Plural of infusionist.
INFUSIONIST n. a believer in infusionism.
LUMINOUSNESSluminousness n. The quality of being luminous.
LUMINOUSNESS n. the state of being luminous.
MANUMISSIONSmanumissions n. Plural of manumission.
MANUMISSION n. the act of manumitting; freeing from slavery.
MUTINOUSNESSmutinousness n. The state or condition of being mutinous.
MUTINOUSNESS n. the state of being mutinous.
NUMINOUSNESSnuminousness n. The state or quality of being numinous.
NUMINOUSNESS n. the quality of being numinous.
RESINOUSNESSresinousness n. The quality of being resinous.
RESINOUSNESS n. the state of being resinous.
RESUSPENSIONresuspension n. A second or subsequent suspension.
resuspension n. (Ecology, chemistry, physics) The renewed suspension of a precipitated sediment, such as stirring up…
SUBINCISIONSsubincisions n. Plural of subincision.
SUBINCISION n. the formation of an opening into the urethra by the incision of the underside of the penis, a puberty rite practised by some tribal people.
SYNGENESIOUSsyngenesious adj. (Botany, archaic or very rare) synantherous.
SYNGENESIOUS adj. having the anthers united in a tube around the style, as in Compositae.
TRANSFUSIONStransfusions n. Plural of transfusion.
TRANSFUSION n. the act of transfusing esp. blood.
UNHOLINESSESunholinesses n. Plural of unholiness.
UNHOLINESS n. the state of being unholy.
UNPOSSESSINGunpossessing v. Present participle of unpossess.
unpossessing adj. Lacking possessions; poor.
UNPOSSESSING adj. (Shakespeare) without possessions.
UNSAVORINESSunsavoriness n. The state or condition of being unsavory.
UNSAVORINESS n. the state of being unsavory.
UNSUSPICIONSUNSUSPICION n. a lack of suspicion.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 51 words
  • Scrabble in French: 128 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 7 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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