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There are 18 words containing I, M, 2O, 3R and T

AGROTERRORISMagroterrorism n. Any act of terrorism designed to damage the agriculture of a state, especially by destroying crops or…
AGROTERRORISM n. terrorism aimed at a country's agriculture.
AGROTERRORISMSAGROTERRORISM n. terrorism aimed at a country's agriculture.
BIOTERRORISMbioterrorism n. Terrorism that involves biological weapons or agents.
BIOTERRORISMSSorry, definition not available.
ECOTERRORISMecoterrorism n. Terrorism with an ecological motive, such as attacks against corporations perceived to be harming the…
eco-terrorism n. Alternative spelling of ecoterrorism.
ECOTERRORISM n. sabotage intended to hinder activities that are considered damaging to the environment.
ECOTERRORISMSECOTERRORISM n. sabotage intended to hinder activities that are considered damaging to the environment.
IMPROPRIATORimpropriator n. (Archaic) A layperson in possession of ecclesiastical property.
IMPROPRIATOR n. a layman who is in possession of a benefice or its revenues.
IMPROPRIATORSimpropriators n. Plural of impropriator.
IMPROPRIATOR n. a layman who is in possession of a benefice or its revenues.
MICROCONTROLLERmicrocontroller n. (Computing, electronics) A microcomputer on a single chip, used to control some device such as an automobile…
MICROPROJECTORmicroprojector n. A very small image projector that can be held in the hand.
MICROPROJECTOR n. a projector utilizing a compound microscope for projecting on a screen a greatly enlarged image of a microscopic object.
MICROPROJECTORSmicroprojectors n. Plural of microprojector.
MICROPROJECTOR n. a projector utilizing a compound microscope for projecting on a screen a greatly enlarged image of a microscopic object.
MICROPYROMETERMICROPYROMETER n. a pyrometer for measuring the temperature of very small objects.
MICROPYROMETERSMICROPYROMETER n. a pyrometer for measuring the temperature of very small objects.
NARCOTERRORISMnarcoterrorism n. Use of terrorist tactics as an element of the traffic in illegal narcotics.
NARCOTERRORISM n. drug-related terrorism.
NITROCHLOROFORMnitrochloroform n. Chlorpicrin.
NITROCHLOROFORM n. a toxic lachrymatory liquid used as a pesticide and a tear gas.
RADIOMICROMETERradiomicrometer n. A device used to measure small changes in radiant heat, or in temperature.
RADIOMICROMETER n. an instrument for detecting and measuring small amounts of radiation, usually by a sensitive thermocouple.
REFORMATORIESreformatories n. Plural of reformatory.
REFORMATORY n. a penal institution to which esp. young or first offenders are committed for training and reformation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 872 words
  • Scrabble in French: 68 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 171 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 429 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 518 words

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