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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 19 fifteen-letter words containing I, M, N, 3O and 2S

ANDROMONOECISMSANDROMONOECISM n. having hermaphrodite and male flowers on the same plant.
ANTIMONOPOLISTSantimonopolists n. Plural of antimonopolist.
ANTIMONOPOLIST n. one opposed to monopolies.
COMPOSITIONISTScompositionists n. Plural of compositionist.
COSMOPOLITANISMcosmopolitanism n. The idea that all of humanity belongs to a single moral community.
COSMOPOLITANISM n. the state of being cosmopolitan.
CYTOTAXONOMISTScytotaxonomists n. Plural of cytotaxonomist.
CYTOTAXONOMIST n. a practitioner of cytotaxonomy.
DICHOTOMOUSNESSdichotomousness n. The quality of being dichotomous.
DICHOTOMOUS n. forking into two equal branches.
DOLOMITISATIONSDOLOMITISATION n. the process of converting into dolomite, also DOLOMITIZATION.
HOMOGENISATIONShomogenisations n. Plural of homogenisation.
HOMOGENISATION n. the act of homogenising, also HOMOGENIZATION.
MICROECONOMISTSmicroeconomists n. Plural of microeconomist.
MONOCHROMATISMSMONOCHROMATISM n. complete color blindness in which all colors appear as shades of gray.
MONOPHTHONGISESmonophthongises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of monophthongise.
MONOPHTHONGISE v. to pronounce as a monophthong, also MONOPHTHONGIZE.
NEOCOLONIALISMSneocolonialisms n. Plural of neocolonialism.
NEOCOLONIALISM n. the quasi-colonialism practised by strong powers in dominating weaker, though politically independent, states by means of economic pressure.
NONCOMMISSIONEDnoncommissioned adj. Alternative spelling of non-commissioned.
non-commissioned adj. (Military) Not holding a military commission.
NONCOMMISSIONED adj. not commissioned.
NONCONSUMPTIONSNONCONSUMPTION n. something that is not consumption.
OSMOREGULATIONSosmoregulations n. Plural of osmoregulation.
OSMOREGULATION n. regulation of osmotic pressure esp. in the body of a living organism.
OUTDOORSMANSHIPoutdoorsmanship n. Skill in, or fondness for, outdoor pursuits or sports.
OUTDOORSMANSHIP n. the craft of the outdoorsman.
PNEUMONOLOGISTSpneumonologists n. Plural of pneumonologist.
PNEUMONOLOGIST n. one who studies pneumonology.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 138 words
  • Scrabble in French: 51 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 98 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 100 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 11 words

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