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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing I, 2M, 2N, O, S and U

ANTICOMMUNISManticommunism n. Opposition to communism.
anti-communism n. Alternative form of anticommunism.
ANTICOMMUNISM n. opposition to communism.
ANTICOMMUNISTanticommunist adj. Opposed to the tenets of communism.
anticommunist n. One who is opposed to the tenets of communism.
anti-communist adj. Alternative spelling of anticommunist.
COMMUNALISINGcommunalising v. Present participle of communalise.
COMMUNALISE v. to make communal, also COMMUNALIZE.
COMMUNISATIONcommunisation n. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of communization.
COMMUNISATION n. the act of communising, also COMMUNIZATION.
CONSUMMATIONSconsummations n. Plural of consummation.
CONSUMMATION n. the act of consummating.
DECOMMUNISINGdecommunising v. Present participle of decommunise.
DECOMMUNISE v. to remove communist politics or influence from (a person or country), also DECOMMUNIZE.
IMMUNISATIONSimmunisations n. Plural of immunisation.
IMMUNISATION n. the act of immunising, also IMMUNIZATION.
IMMUNIZATIONSimmunizations n. Plural of immunization.
IMMUNIZATION n. the act of immunizing, also IMMUNISATION.
IMMUNOGENESESimmunogeneses n. Plural of immunogenesis.
IMMUNOGENESIS n. the production of an immune response.
IMMUNOGENESISimmunogenesis n. (Immunology) The generation of an immune response.
IMMUNOGENESIS n. the production of an immune response.
IMMUNOSORBENTimmunosorbent n. (Immunology) An antibody that is used to remove a specific antigen from a mixture.
immunosorbent n. (Immunology) An antigen that is used to remove a specific antibody from a mixture.
immunosorbent adj. Relating to the absorption of antibodies by insoluble antigens.
INTERCOMMUNESintercommunes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of intercommune.
INTERCOMMUNE v. to commune mutually or together.
MAGNANIMOUSLYmagnanimously adv. In a magnanimous manner.
MAGNANIMOUS adv. showing or suggesting a lofty and courageous spirit.
MONUMENTALISEmonumentalise v. Alternative form of monumentalize.
MONUMENTALISE v. to record or memorialize lastingly by a monument, also MONUMENTALIZE.
MOUNTEBANKISMmountebankism n. The practices of a mountebank; mountebankery.
MOUNTEBANKISM n. the practice of a mountebank.
NONCOMMUNISTSnoncommunists n. Plural of noncommunist.
non-communists n. Plural of non-communist.
NONCOMMUNIST n. one who is not a communist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 80 words
  • Scrabble in French: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 21 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 31 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 7 words

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