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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing I, M, N, 2O, P and 2T

COMPETITIONScompetitions n. Plural of competition.
COMPETITION n. the act of competing.
COMPOTATIONScompotations n. Plural of compotation.
COMPOTATION n. an act of carousing in company.
COMPUTATIONScomputations n. Plural of computation.
COMPUTATION n. the act or action of computing.
IMPORTATIONSimportations n. Plural of importation.
IMPORTATION n. the act or practice of importing.
METROPOLITANmetropolitan n. (Orthodox Christianity) A bishop empowered to oversee other bishops; an archbishop.
metropolitan n. The inhabitant of a metropolis.
metropolitan adj. (Orthodox Christianity) Pertaining to the see or province of a metropolitan.
MOUNTAINTOPSmountaintops n. Plural of mountaintop.
mountain␣tops n. Plural of mountain top.
MOUNTAINTOP n. the summit of a mountain.
MULTIPHOTONSSorry, definition not available.
OMNIPOTENTLYomnipotently adv. In an omnipotent manner.
OMNIPOTENT adv. all-powerful.
OPTIMISATIONoptimisation n. Alternative spelling of optimization.
OPTIMISATION n. the act of optimising, also OPTIMIZATION.
OPTIMIZATIONoptimization n. The design and operation of a system or process to make it as good as possible in some defined sense.
optimization n. (Programming) The reduction of a program or algorithm to its most efficient form, as during compilation…
OPTIMIZATION n. the act of optimizing, also OPTIMISATION.
OUTCOMPETINGoutcompeting v. Present participle of outcompete.
OUTCOMPETE v. to surpass in competing.
PLUTONOMISTSplutonomists n. Plural of plutonomist.
PLUTONOMIST n. a student of plutonomy, political economy.
POSTROMANTICpostromantic adj. Of the era following the romantic era (approximately 1880 to 1914).
post-romantic adj. Alternative spelling of postromantic.
post␣romantic adj. Alternative spelling of postromantic.
SOMATOTROPINsomatotropin n. (Biology, medicine) Synonym of growth hormone.
SOMATOTROPIN n. a polypeptide growth hormone, also SOMATOTROPHIN, SOMATOTROPINE.
SOMATOTYPINGsomatotyping v. Present participle of somatotype.
SOMATOTYPE v. to place with regard to somatotype.
TAPHONOMISTStaphonomists n. Plural of taphonomist.
TAPHONOMIST n. an expert or specialist in taphonomy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 49 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 31 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 22 words

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