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There are 17 words containing I, L, 3N, O, P and R

FOREPLANNINGforeplanning v. Present participle of foreplan.
FOREPLAN v. to plan beforehand.
OVERPLANNINGoverplanning n. Excessive planning.
OVERPLANNING n. excessive planning.
ANTIPERSONNELantipersonnel adj. (Military) Designed to kill soldiers.
anti-personnel adj. (Military) Referring to devices (typically weapons) intended to harm people in particular.
ANTIPERSONNEL adj. designed for use against troops.
NONPREHENSILEnonprehensile adj. Not prehensile.
NONPREHENSILE adj. not prehensile.
NONOPERATIONALnonoperational adj. Not operating; not working.
nonoperational adj. Not associated with operation. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
non-operational adj. Alternative form of nonoperational.
NONOVERLAPPINGnonoverlapping adj. Not overlapping.
NONOVERLAPPING adj. not overlapping.
RHINENCEPHALONrhinencephalon n. (Anatomy) The part of the brain involved with olfaction.
RHINENCEPHALON n. the olfactory lobe of the brain.
COUNTERPLANNINGcounterplanning v. Present participle of counterplan.
COUNTERPLAN v. to form a plan designed to counter another plan.
NONEXPERIMENTALnonexperimental adj. Not experimental (of a research method).
NONEXPERIMENTAL adj. not experimental.
NONMETROPOLITANnonmetropolitan adj. Not metropolitan.
nonmetropolitan n. One who is not a metropolitan.
non-metropolitan adj. Alternative form of nonmetropolitan.
NONPROFESSIONALnonprofessional adj. Not professional; amateur.
nonprofessional n. One who is not a professional; an amateur.
non-professional adj. Alternative form of nonprofessional.
PRONOMINALISINGPRONOMINALISE v. to make into or treat as a pronoun, also PRONOMINALIZE.
PRONOMINALIZINGpronominalizing v. Present participle of pronominalize.
PRONOMINALIZE v. to make into or treat as a pronoun, also PRONOMINALISE.
PRONUNCIATIONALpronunciational adj. Of or relating to pronunciation.
PRONUNCIATIONAL adj. relating to pronunciation.
RHINENCEPHALONSRHINENCEPHALON n. the olfactory lobe of the brain.
TRANSPLANTATIONtransplantation n. The resettlement of a group of people.
transplantation n. A surgical operation in which an organ is moved from a donor to a recipient; an organ transplant.
transplantation n. The uprooting of a tree and planting it in a new location.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 660 words
  • Scrabble in French: 123 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 41 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 20 words

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