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There are 19 words containing I, L, M, 3N and 2T

NONMILITANTnonmilitant adj. Not militant.
nonmilitant n. One who is not a militant.
NONMILITANT n. one who is not militant.
NONMILITANTSnonmilitants n. Plural of nonmilitant.
NONMILITANT n. one who is not militant.
ENLIGHTENMENTenlightenment n. An act of enlightening, or the state of being enlightened or instructed.
enlightenment n. A concept in spirituality, philosophy and psychology related to achieving clarity of perception, reason and knowledge.
Enlightenment prop.n. A 17th- and 18th-century philosophical movement in European history; the Age of Enlightenment or Age…
NONINSTALMENTnoninstalment adj. Alternative form of noninstallment.
NONINSTALMENT adj. (of a loan) not payable in instalments.
TINTINNABULUMtintinnabulum n. A small clinking bell, particularly (historical) a small bell used to call monks to certain tasks.
tintinnabulum n. A set of bells or metal plates used as a musical instrument or as a toy.
TINTINNABULUM n. a usually high-pitched bell; a bell-rattle.
UNSENTIMENTALunsentimental adj. Not sentimental.
UNSENTIMENTAL adj. not sentimental.
CONTINENTALISMcontinentalism n. The adoption of common policies amongst the countries of a particular continent, especially continental Europe.
continentalism n. A word, phrase or habit typical of the continent.
CONTINENTALISM n. anything peculiar to the usage of a continent, esp. Europe.
ENLIGHTENMENTSenlightenments n. Plural of enlightenment.
ENLIGHTENMENT n. the act or means of enlightening.
NONINSTALLMENTnoninstallment adj. Not to be paid in installments.
NONINSTALLMENT n. something that is not an installment.
ANTISENTIMENTALantisentimental adj. Opposing or shunning sentimentality.
ANTISENTIMENTAL adj. opposed to the sentimental.
CONTINENTALISMScontinentalisms n. Plural of continentalism.
CONTINENTALISM n. anything peculiar to the usage of a continent, esp. Europe.
DISENTANGLEMENTdisentanglement n. Removal of, or extrication from twists, tangles, complications or confusion.
DISENTANGLEMENT n. the act of disentangling.
INTERLAMINATINGinterlaminating v. Present participle of interlaminate.
INTERLAMINATE v. to insert between layers.
INTERLAMINATIONinterlamination n. The state of being interlaminated.
INTERLAMINATION n. insertion between layers.
INTERTANGLEMENTintertanglement n. The entanglement together of more than one thing.
INTERTANGLEMENT n. mutual entanglement.
NONINSTALLMENTSNONINSTALLMENT n. something that is not an installment.
NONINSTRUMENTALnoninstrumental adj. Not instrumental.
NONINSTRUMENTAL adj. of music, not using instruments.
NONMETROPOLITANnonmetropolitan adj. Not metropolitan.
nonmetropolitan n. One who is not a metropolitan.
non-metropolitan adj. Alternative form of nonmetropolitan.
UNSENTIMENTALLYunsentimentally adv. In an unsentimental way.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 521 words
  • Scrabble in French: 36 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 8 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 31 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 30 words

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