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There are 17 words containing I, 2L, O, S, T, V and Y

CONSULTATIVELYconsultatively adv. In a consultative manner.
CONSULTATIVE adv. relating to consultation, also CONSULTIVE.
CONTROVERSIALLYcontroversially adv. In a controversial manner.
CONTROVERSIAL adv. of, relating to, or arousing controversy.
DISSOLVABILITYdissolvability n. Capacity of being dissolved; solubility.
DISSOLVABILITY n. the quality of being dissolvable.
DORSIVENTRALLYdorsiventrally adv. Alternative form of dorsoventrally.
DORSIVENTRAL adv. having differentiated opposite faces or surfaces.
INSOLVABILITYINSOLVABILITY n. the quality of being insolvable.
IRRESOLVABILITYirresolvability n. The quality of being irresolvable.
IRRESOLVABILITY n. the quality of being irresolvable.
MOTIVELESSLYmotivelessly adv. Without a motive.
MOTIVELESS adv. without motive.
NOVELISTICALLYnovelistically adv. In a novelistic way.
NOVELISTIC adv. relating to a novel e.g. a novelistic device.
OBSERVATIONALLYobservationally adv. In an observational way.
OBSERVATIONAL adv. related to observation.
RESOLVABILITYresolvability n. The quality or condition of being resolvable.
RESOLVABILITY n. the quality of being resolvable.
SOLVABILITYsolvability n. Capability of being solved.
solvability n. The condition of being solvent; ability to pay debts; solvency.
SOLVABILITY n. the ability to be solved.
SOLVOLYTICsolvolytic adj. Of or pertaining to solvolysis.
SOLVOLYTIC adj. relating to solvolysis, the decomposition of a dissolved substance.
TELEVISIONALLYtelevisionally adv. In terms of, or by means of, television.
TELEVISIONAL adv. relating to television, also TELEVISIONARY.
VILLOSITYvillosity n. The state of being villous.
VILLOSITY n. the state of being villous, abounding in, or covered with, fine hairs.
VIOLINISTICALLYviolinistically adv. In violinistic terms; with regard to playing the violin.
VIOLINISTIC adv. of or like a violinist.
VIVISECTIONALLYvivisectionally adv. In terms of, or by means of, vivisection.
VIVISECTIONAL adv. relating to vivisection.
VOYEURISTICALLYvoyeuristically adv. In a voyeuristic way.
VOYEURISTIC adv. like a voyeur.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 203 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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