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There are 16 words containing I, 2L, 3O, R and S

AGROSTOLOGICALagrostological adj. Of or pertaining to agrostology.
AGROSTOLOGICAL adj. relating to agrostology, the science or study of grasses.
ALCOHOLOMETRIESALCOHOLOMETRY n. the measurement of the proportion of alcohol in solutions.
ALLOIOSTROPHOSALLOIOSTROPHOS adj. irregularly divided, not in alternate strophe and antistrophe.
CHORIOALLANTOISchorioallantois n. (Anatomy) The vascular extraembryonic membrane, formed by the fusion of the allantois and the chorion…
CHORIOALLANTOIS n. a highly vascularized fetal membrane.
COLLABORATIONScollaborations n. Plural of collaboration.
COLLABORATION n. the act of collaborating.
COROLLIFLOROUScorolliflorous adj. Corollifloral.
COROLLIFLOROUS adj. belonging to the Corolliflorae, also COROLLIFLORAL.
HYDROCOLLOIDShydrocolloids n. Plural of hydrocolloid.
HYDROCOLLOID n. a substance that yields a gel with water.
MICROSPOROPHYLLmicrosporophyll n. A leaflike organ that bears one or more microsporangia (contrast megasporophyll or macrosporophyll).
MICROSPOROPHYLL n. a specialised leaf bearing or subtending one or more microsporangia.
ORISMOLOGICALorismological adj. Of or pertaining to orismology.
ORISMOLOGICAL adj. relating to orismology, the science of defining technical terms.
POLYRIBOSOMALpolyribosomal adj. Pertaining to, or composed of polyribosome.
POLYRIBOSOMAL adj. of or like a polyribosome.
PROPOSITIONALLYpropositionally adv. In a propositional manner.
PROPOSITIONAL adv. of the nature of a proposition.
SOTERIOLOGICALsoteriological adj. (Theology) Pertaining to soteriology.
SOTERIOLOGICAL adj. relating to soteriology, the theological doctrine of salvation, also SOTERIOLOGIC.
SPOROPOLLENINsporopollenin n. (Botany) A combination of biopolymers, observed in the exine layer of the spore and pollen wall.
SPOROPOLLENIN n. a polymer that comprises the exine (outer layer of the wall) of spores and pollen grains.
SPOROPOLLENINSsporopollenins n. Plural of sporopollenin.
SPOROPOLLENIN n. a polymer that comprises the exine (outer layer of the wall) of spores and pollen grains.
TRINITROTOLUOLStrinitrotoluols n. Plural of trinitrotoluol.
TRINITROTOLUOL n. a powerful explosive, commonly called TNT, also TRINITROTOLUENE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 1101 words
  • Scrabble in French: 73 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 55 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 92 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 660 words

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