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There are 20 words containing I, 3L, M, O, P and Y

COMPELLINGLYcompellingly adv. In a compelling manner.
COMPELLING adv. COMPEL, to force.
CYTOPLASMICALLYcytoplasmically adv. With regard to the cytoplasm.
CYTOPLASMIC adv. relating to cytoplasm.
DIPLOMATICALLYdiplomatically adv. In a diplomatic manner.
diplomatically adv. (Domain) From the perspective of diplomacy.
DIPLOMATICAL adv. relating to diplomacy, also DIPLOMATIC.
HOMOPLASTICALLYhomoplastically adv. In a homoplastic sense.
HOMOPLASTIC adv. similar in structure and development but not descended from a recent common source.
IMPOLITICALLYimpolitically adv. In a way that is impolitic.
IMPOLITICAL adv. (obsolete) impolitic, also IMPOLITIC, UNPOLITIC.
MORPHOLOGICALLYmorphologically adv. With regard to morphology.
MORPHOLOGICAL adv. relating to morphology, also MORPHOLOGIC.
PALAEOLIMNOLOGYpalaeolimnology n. Alternative form of paleolimnology.
PALAEOLIMNOLOGY n. the study of ancient lakes.
PLANOMETRICALLYplanometrically adv. By means of or in terms of planometry.
PLANOMETRIC adv. denoting a type of pictorial drawing.
PLASMOLYTICALLYPLASMOLYTIC adv. relating to plasmolysis.
POLEMICALLYpolemically adv. In a polemical manner.
POLEMICAL adv. related to polemics, debate, also POLEMIC.
POLYMORPHICALLYpolymorphically adv. In a polymorphic manner; having multiple manifestations.
POLYMORPHIC adv. occurring in several forms.
POLYSYLLABICISMpolysyllabicism n. (Of linguistic expression) The state or characteristic of having a polysyllabic or overly complex style.
POLYSYLLABICISM n. the state of being polysyllabic, also POLYSYLLABISM.
POLYSYLLABISMpolysyllabism n. (Linguistics) The state or characteristic of having or using words containing multiple syllables, sometimes…
polysyllabism n. Polysyllabicism.
POLYSYLLABISM n. the state of being polysyllabic, also POLYSYLLABICISM.
POLYSYLLABISMSpolysyllabisms n. Plural of polysyllabism.
POLYSYLLABISM n. the state of being polysyllabic, also POLYSYLLABICISM.
POLYSYLLOGISMpolysyllogism n. (Logic) A number of propositions that, together, constitute a sequence of syllogisms.
POLYSYLLOGISM n. a series of syllogisms where each is basis for next.
POLYSYLLOGISMSpolysyllogisms n. Plural of polysyllogism.
POLYSYLLOGISM n. a series of syllogisms where each is basis for next.
POMOLOGICALLYpomologically adv. In a pomological way.
POMOLOGICAL adv. relating to pomology.
PROBLEMATICALLYproblematically adv. In a problematic manner.
PROBLEMATICAL adv. causing problems, also PROBLEMATIC.
PUSILLANIMOUSLYpusillanimously adv. In a pusillanimous manner.
PUSILLANIMOUS adv. lacking courage, timid.
UNCOMPELLINGLYuncompellingly adv. In an uncompelling way.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 328 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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