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List of 15-letter words containing

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There are 17 fifteen-letter words containing I, L, 2N, 2R and 2T

ANTILIBERTARIANantilibertarian adj. (Politics) Opposing libertarianism.
antilibertarian n. One who opposes libertarianism.
ANTILIBERTARIAN adj. opposed to libertarianism.
INTERELECTRONICinterelectronic adj. Between electrons; interelectron.
INTERELECTRONIC adj. operating between electrons.
INTERLACUSTRINEinterlacustrine adj. Situated or existing between lakes, especially the Great Lakes of Africa.
INTERLACUSTRINE adj. situated between lakes.
INTERPENETRABLEinterpenetrable adj. That can be interpenetrated.
INTERPENETRABLE adj. able to be interpenetrated.
INTERROGATINGLYinterrogatingly adv. So as to interrogate; with urgent or bullying questioning.
INTERROGATING adv. INTERROGATE, to question formally and systematically.
INTERROGATIONALinterrogational adj. Relating to interrogation.
INTERROGATIONAL adj. relating to interrogation.
INTERTENTACULARintertentacular adj. Between tentacles.
INTERTENTACULAR adj. between tentacles.
INTRAPERITONEALintraperitoneal adj. Within the cavity of the peritoneum.
INTRAPERITONEAL adj. existing within or administered by entry into the peritoneum.
REMONSTRATINGLYremonstratingly adv. With remonstrations.
REMONSTRATING adv. REMONSTRATE, to protest, to expostulate.
TRANSCRIPTIONALtranscriptional adj. Of or pertaining to transcription, especially to the transcription of genetic information.
TRANSCRIPTIONAL adj. relating to transcription.
TRANSLITERATINGtransliterating v. Present participle of transliterate.
TRANSLITERATE v. to represent or spell in the characters of another alphabet.
TRANSLITERATIONtransliteration n. (Linguistics, translation studies) The act or product of transliterating, of representing letters or…
transliteration n. (Sign language) The act or product of rendering speech in sign language, or vice versa.
TRANSLITERATION n. the act of transliterating.
TRANSPIRATIONALtranspirational adj. Pertaining to transpiration.
TRANSPIRATIONAL adj. relating to transpiration, also TRANSPIRATORY.
TRINITROPHENOLSTRINITROPHENOL n. a similar derivative of phenol, esp. picric acid.
TRINITROTOLUENEtrinitrotoluene n. A highly explosive yellow crystalline substance, (CH3C6H2(NO2)3), obtained by reacting nitric acid with…
TRINITROTOLUENE n. a powerful explosive, commonly called TNT, also TRINITROTOLUOL.
UNINTERPRETABLEuninterpretable adj. Unable to be interpreted.
UNINTERPRETABLE adj. not interpretable.
UNINTERRUPTEDLYuninterruptedly adv. Without interruption.
UNINTERRUPTED adv. not interrupted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 98 words
  • Scrabble in French: 66 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 27 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 161 words

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