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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing I, L, N, S, 2T, U and V

ADVENTITIOUSLYadventitiously adv. In an adventitious manner; sporadically.
ADVENTITIOUS adv. coming from another source; arising or occurring sporadically or in other than the usual location.
ANTICONVULSANTanticonvulsant n. (Pharmacology) An agent that prevents, stops, or lessens convulsions.
anticonvulsant adj. (Pharmacology) Acting as an anticonvulsant.
ANTICONVULSANT adj. used or tending to control or to prevent convulsions.
ANTIEVOLUTIONSANTIEVOLUTION n. a system of thought which argues against the biological theory of evolution.
COCULTIVATIONScocultivations n. Plural of cocultivation.
COCULTIVATION n. the act of cocultivating.
CONSTITUTIVELYconstitutively adv. In a constitutive manner.
constitutively adv. (Biochemistry, of a metabolic process) at a constant rate regardless of physiological demand.
CONSTITUTIVE adv. having the power to enact or establish.
CONSTRUCTIVELYconstructively adv. In a constructive manner.
CONSTRUCTIVE adv. serving to construct.
CONSULTATIVELYconsultatively adv. In a consultative manner.
CONSULTATIVE adv. relating to consultation, also CONSULTIVE.
DEVOLUTIONISTSdevolutionists n. Plural of devolutionist.
DEVOLUTIONIST n. a believer in a policy of devolution.
EVOLUTIONISTICevolutionistic adj. Of or pertaining to evolutionism.
EVOLUTIONISTIC adj. related to evolutionism.
RECULTIVATIONSSorry, definition not available.
REVOLUTIONISTSrevolutionists n. Plural of revolutionist.
REVOLUTIONIST n. a revolutionary.
SUBSTANTIVALLYsubstantivally adv. In a substantival manner.
SUBSTANTIVAL adv. of, relating to, or serving as a substantive.
TRANSVALUATINGTRANSVALUATE v. to reestimate the value of, esp. on a basis differing from the accepted standard, also TRANSVALUE.
TRANSVALUATIONtransvaluation n. A change of values; a revaluation.
TRANSVALUATION n. the act of transvaluing.
ULTRASENSITIVEultrasensitive adj. Extremely or excessively sensitive.
ULTRASENSITIVE adj. extremely sensitive.
VENTRILOQUISTSventriloquists n. Plural of ventriloquist.
VENTRILOQUIST n. one who uses or is skilled in ventriloquism.
VINICULTURISTSviniculturists n. Plural of viniculturist.
VINICULTURIST n. one who practises viniculture, vine-growing.
VIRTUALISATIONvirtualisation n. Alternative spelling of virtualization.
VIRTUALISATION n. the process of creating an artificial computer-generated version of (something) which functions as if it were real, also VIRTUALIZATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 52 words
  • Scrabble in French: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 8 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 56 words

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