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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing I, L, M, 2O, R, S and U

COMPULSORINESScompulsoriness n. The state or quality of being compulsory.
COMPULSORINESS n. the state of being compulsory.
CONTERMINOUSLYconterminously adv. In a conterminous manner.
CONTERMINOUS adv. sharing the same end; confined within a common boundary, also CONTERMINAL, CONTERMINANT, CONTERMINATE, COTERMINOUS.
DISCOLOURMENTSdiscolourments n. Plural of discolourment.
DISCOLOURMENT n. the act of discolouring, also DISCOLORMENT.
INHARMONIOUSLYinharmoniously adv. In an inharmonious way.
INHARMONIOUS adv. not harmonious.
MACROGLOBULINSmacroglobulins n. Plural of macroglobulin.
MACROGLOBULIN n. a highly polymerized globulin of high molecular weight.
MICROCEPHALOUSmicrocephalous adj. Microcephalic.
MICROPULSATIONmicropulsation n. A very small, change in the strength of the magnetic field of the Earth.
MICROPULSATION n. a pulsation having a short period.
MULTIPROCESSORmultiprocessor n. (Computer hardware) A computer that has multiple CPUs or execution units under an integrated control.
MULTIPROCESSOR n. a type of computer.
MYRMECOPHILOUSmyrmecophilous adj. (Biology) Adapted to thrive in the presence of ants.
MYRMECOPHILOUS adj. ant-loving, of plants inhabited by ants and offering specialised shelters and food for them.
OSMOREGULATIONosmoregulation n. The homeostatic regulation of osmotic pressure in the body in order to maintain a certain water content…
OSMOREGULATION n. regulation of osmotic pressure esp. in the body of a living organism.
PARSIMONIOUSLYparsimoniously adv. In a parsimonious manner.
PARSIMONIOUS adv. excessively sparing or frugal.
POLYOMAVIRUSESpolyomaviruses n. Plural of polyomavirus.
QUERIMONIOUSLYquerimoniously adv. In a querimonious manner.
QUERIMONIOUS adv. complaining, querulous.
REFORMULATIONSreformulations n. Plural of reformulation.
REFORMULATION n. the act of reformulating.
RHEUMATOLOGIESRHEUMATOLOGY n. the study of rheumatism.
RHEUMATOLOGISTrheumatologist n. A doctor specializing in the treatment of arthritis and other ailments of the joints.
RHEUMATOLOGIST n. one who studies rheumatology.
SCOLOPENDRIUMSSCOLOPENDRIUM n. any fern with undivided leaves of the genus Scolopendrium, including hart's tongue.
TRAUMATOLOGIESTRAUMATOLOGY n. the study of wounds and their effects.
TRICHOTOMOUSLYtrichotomously adv. In a trichotomous manner.
TRICHOTOMOUS adv. divided into three parts.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 165 words
  • Scrabble in French: 51 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 98 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 53 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 200 words

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