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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing I, 2L, M, N, 2O and Y

ASTRONOMICALLYastronomically adv. (Not comparable) Of or relating to astronomy.
astronomically adv. (Comparable, degree) In the extreme, very (typically very large).
ASTRONOMICAL adv. related to astronomy, also ASTRONOMIC.
CONTUMELIOUSLYcontumeliously adv. In a contumelious, insolent manner.
CONTUMELIOUS adv. haughtily insolent.
ENDOSMOTICALLYendosmotically adv. By endosmosis.
ENDOSMOTIC adv. pertaining to endosmose.
HOMOPHONICALLYhomophonically adv. In a homophonic manner.
HOMOPHONIC adv. in a single melodic line with accompaniment.
LIMNOLOGICALLYlimnologically adv. In terms of or by means of limnology.
LIMNOLOGICAL adv. relating to limnology, the study of bodies of fresh water, also LIMNOLOGIC.
METRONOMICALLYmetronomically adv. In a metronomic fashion.
METRONOMICAL adv. of or like a metronome, also METRONOMIC.
MOLLYCODDLINGSmollycoddlings n. Plural of mollycoddling.
MOLLYCODDLING n. the act of cosseting.
MONOLITHICALLYmonolithically adv. In a monolithic manner.
MONOLITHIC adv. of or like a monolith.
MONOMANIACALLYmonomaniacally adv. In a monomaniacal manner.
MONOMANIACAL adv. obsessed with one subject only.
MONOPHONICALLYmonophonically adv. In a monophonic manner.
MONOPHONIC adv. homophonic, monaural as opposed to stereo.
MONOSYLLABISMSmonosyllabisms n. Plural of monosyllabism.
MONOSYLLABISM n. the state of being monosyllabic, also MONOSYLLABICITY.
MOTIVATIONALLYmotivationally adv. In a motivational manner.
motivationally adv. With regard to motivation.
MOTIVATIONAL adv. relating to motivation.
NONCOMMITTALLYnoncommittally adv. In a noncommittal manner.
non-committally adv. Alternative spelling of noncommittally.
NONCOMMITTAL adv. giving no clear indication of attitude or feeling.
OXYMORONICALLYoxymoronically adv. In an oxymoronic manner.
oxymoronically adv. With regard to, or using oxymorons.
OXYMORONIC adv. of or like an oxymoron, an apparent paradox achieved by the juxtaposition of words which seem to contradict one another.
POLYNOMIALISMSPOLYNOMIALISM n. the state of being polynomial.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 87 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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