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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing I, L, O, 2R, S, U and Y

BURGLARIOUSLYburglariously adv. (Dated, law) As a burglar; in order to burgle.
BURGLARIOUS adv. (facetious) like a burglar.
CARNIVOROUSLYcarnivorously adv. In a carnivorous manner.
CARNIVOROUS adv. feeding on animal tissues.
CONTRARIOUSLYcontrariously adv. (Obsolete) Contrarily; oppositely.
CONTRARIOUS adv. (archaic) contrary, perverse, also CONTRAIR, CONTRARY.
HERBIVOROUSLYherbivorously adv. In a herbivorous manner.
HERBIVOROUS adv. eating plants.
IRRELIGIOUSLYirreligiously adv. In an irreligious fashion.
IRRELIGIOUS adv. neglectful of religion.
MERITORIOUSLYmeritoriously adv. In a meritorious manner.
MERITORIOUS adv. deserving of honor or esteem.
ODORIFEROUSLYodoriferously adv. In an odoriferous manner.
ODORIFEROUS adv. giving off an odour; morally offensive, also ODIFEROUS.
OPPROBRIOUSLYopprobriously adv. In an opprobrious manner.
OPPROBRIOUS adv. expressing contemptuous reproach; bringing disgrace.
OVERSERIOUSLYoverseriously adv. In an excessively serious way.
OVERSERIOUS adv. excessively serious.
PROLIFEROUSLYproliferously adv. In a proliferous manner.
PROLIFEROUS adv. producing buds and/or new plants vegetatively.
PYROSULPHURICpyrosulphuric adj. (Britain) Alternative spelling of pyrosulfuric.
PYROSULPHURIC adj. as in pyrosulphuric acid, a type of acid.
TEMERARIOUSLYtemerariously adv. In a temerarious manner; boldly.
TEMERARIOUS adv. rashly or presumptuously daring, also TEMEROUS.
TRIQUETROUSLYtriquetrously adv. In a triquetrous or triangular manner.
TRIQUETROUS adv. triangular; three-edged with concave faces, also TRIQUETRAL.
TRUSTWORTHILYtrustworthily adv. In a trustworthy manner.
TRUSTWORTHY adv. worthy of confidence.
ULTRAROYALISTultraroyalist n. (Historical) A member of a reactionary faction which sat in the French parliament from 1815 to 1830…
ultraroyalist n. A person or group that favours monarchy and opposes liberal, republican, and democrat ideas; a person…
ULTRAROYALIST n. an extreme royalist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 43 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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