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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing I, L, O, P, S, 2T and Y

APOCALYPTISTSapocalyptists n. Plural of apocalyptist.
APOCALYPTIST n. the writer of an apocalypse.
CRYPTOCLASTICCRYPTOCLASTIC adj. of minerals and rocks, composed of microscopic fragments.
CRYPTOLOGISTScryptologists n. Plural of cryptologist.
CRYPTOLOGIST n. a student of cryptology, the scientific study of codes.
ELECTROTYPIESELECTROTYPY n. printing by electrotype.
ELECTROTYPISTelectrotypist n. One who produces electrotype plates.
ELECTROTYPIST n. one who does electrotyping.
INHOSPITALITYinhospitality n. Lack of hospitality.
INHOSPITALITY n. the state of being inhospitable.
LYCANTHROPISTlycanthropist n. One affected by the disease lycanthropy.
LYCANTHROPIST n. a werewolf; a person suffering from lycanthropy, also LYCANTHROPE.
POLYARTHRITISpolyarthritis n. (Pathology) Any arthritis affecting five or more joints, often caused by an autoimmune disorder.
POLYARTHRITIS n. arthritis affecting several joints.
POLYGLOTTISMSpolyglottisms n. Plural of polyglottism.
POLYGLOTTISM n. the state of being polyglot.
POLYSYNTHETICpolysynthetic adj. (Grammar, of languages) Characterized by a prevalence of relatively long words containing a large number…
polysynthetic adj. (Mineralogy) Having layers of twin crystals.
POLYSYNTHETIC adj. made up of many separate elements, also POLYSYNTHETICAL.
POLYTONALISTSPOLYTONALIST n. one who writes polytonal music.
PRETENTIOUSLYpretentiously adv. In a manner with unwarranted claim to importance or distinction.
pretentiously adv. Ostentatiously; in a manner intended to impress others.
pretentiously adv. In a manner demanding of skill or daring.
REPETITIOUSLYrepetitiously adv. In a repetitious manner.
REPETITIOUS adv. characterized or marked by repetition.
STEREOTYPICALstereotypical adj. Pertaining to a stereotype; conventional.
stereotypical adj. Banal, commonplace and clichéd because of overuse.
stereotypical adj. Relating to stereotypy.
STREPTOLYSINSstreptolysins n. Plural of streptolysin.
STREPTOLYSIN n. an antigenic hemolysin produced by streptococci.
SYMPATHOLYTICsympatholytic adj. (Medicine) That opposes the stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.
sympatholytic n. (Pharmacology) Any medicine having this effect.
SYMPATHOLYTIC adj. inhibiting the action of the sympathetic nervous system.
SYMPTOMATICALsymptomatical adj. Symptomatic.
SYMPTOMATICAL adj. relating to or displaying symptom, also SYMPTOMATIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 107 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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